Chapter 3

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Panicked voices rose up as everyone tried to race back upstairs at the same time. I grabbed Harley by her shirt to keep her from plummeting to her death. By the time I had shut my Packmates up and ordered them to stay by the stairs, Kaden's screaming had been replaced by a soft sobbing that we could barely hear, even with our wolf hearing. It made my limbs go weak, and people started yelling again. I ignored them and raced desperately toward the room.

Kaden's back was flat against the wall, and tears rolled down his cheeks. Opposite him, Quinn stood near a couch, eyeing him calmly. It didn't look like Kaden was hurt, but unease filled my entire body and I began to wonder if it had been a serious mistake to bring Quinn into our Pack.

I took Kaden by the wrist, trusting Quinn even less when he flinched and let out a short cry of terror. Seeing me, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight, extremely awkward hug. I was not a hugger and neither was Kaden. Not normally, anyway.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He was obviously not okay, but it was a necessary question and I needed to know what was going on. Kaden pressed tighter against me and started rambling, sobs punctuating his words.

"She . . . I asked her . . . just why she was so okay . . . the wolves killed the . . . but then her eyes turned black and she . . . she opened her mouth and a weird sound came out and her eyes rolled back and . . . I'm scared, Beta."

I really didn't doubt that he was scared. Otherwise he would never, ever admit it, and he would certainly not be clinging to me like his life depended on it.

"That's it," a voice behind me spoke up grimly. I turned to see Lloyd standing in the doorway, the others trailing up behind him. "We're dropping that creature off at the nearest church. I'll tie her to the priest's throne thingy myself."

I glanced at Quinn. She wasn't looking at any of us. She was staring at the wall. Just staring at it like she couldn't hear anything we said. 

"Maybe Kaden scared her," I finally suggested. Kaden cried harder into my shirt at that. "I'm sorry, Kaden. You can retire for the rest of the day. I'll have Amara get you a cup of warm milk." That was something I knew Kaden liked, so hopefully that would calm him down. "Senna, you can take him to Med-Care in the meantime for a check-up. Explain what happened, and once you're done with all that, meet me in the kitchen. Sound good, Kaden?"

He nodded and wiped his eyes with his fist. Senna shoved her way forcefully past a crowd of werewolves, most of whom didn't even know who Quinn was yet. I gathered the ones who did: Monique, Harley, Lucas, Lloyd, Brody, Rochelle, and Chad, though by now there was no chance that Alpha wouldn't find out. That many werewolves could not keep a secret.

"You guys, work together to do some basic explaining. Try to soften the details on what happened to Kaden, and I mean it, Lloyd," I added sharply.

"Gee, thanks," Lloyd mumbled.

"Tell them Quinn is a guest and not to be harmed. They won't be able to keep a secret from Lysander even if you tell them to, so don't bother. I'll handle Alpha when the time comes. For now, I'll try to see what I can do with Quinn. Does everyone understand?"

There was a chorus of "Yes, Beta" and I nodded in satisfaction as they dispersed. Reluctantly, I headed back for a one-sided chat with Quinn.

When I got there, I realized she was still staring at the same spot on the wall. I shuddered, unable to help myself.

Abruptly her head swung to face me and she lunged toward me, one freezing hand closing around my wrist in an iron grip, the other locking onto my shoulder. 

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