Okay we all know Ricky is after me so I guess I should join the football team and get you know, strong. But I got a spot where I didn't really expect. Well when It was my turn to go,tested me by throwing,not good at being a QB. Wide receiver not that either."Dang it boy must something your good at!"said coach. Then when i saw that RICKY is trying out,I ran like crazy to the whole football field."Gentlemen we have our selves a runner back"said coach.
"Welcome to the team,Adrian you are our new runner back"said coach. "What? We have a NERD on our team,we would lose more becuase of him!"said a football player. "Hey",I said "Just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I can play"I said. Lets see about that on our first game sunday"said the same football player. My first time I stood up to myself. I AM A MAN