003. cheerleader blues

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"lets go girls, come on, come on!" miss abby shouted as everyone walked into the room. the moms all hovered by the side while we sat by the chalkboard on the floor. abby looked over at vivi, and her face turned a little bit dark.

"vivi-anne, where are your dance clothes?"

i quickly looked over at her, and sure enough, she was wearing a white shirt and a skirt.

"its in the car." vivi replied.

"you need to be dressed and ready dance when you walk in this building." miss abby said sharply. "yes?" vivi nodded blankly, and i looked back to the front. " i want to talk a bit a bit about the competition. now, there are some things that went on that you maybe didn't even know about." she pointed at nia "your mom was upset about the costumes." then at chloe. "your mom was upset about the costume before you went on stage, but that cannot happen again."

abby turned around the blackboard. "lets talk about the competition this week. we are going to new jersey, and we are doing an acrobatic-gymnastics routine. overall, i evaluated your performance. so, maddie, you won that competition and that title, so you are back on the top. brooke, i expect you to help the younger students, i expect you to know the choreography first and help everybody else."

abby pointed down at the bottom row. "alright nia, paige, you'll be doing the tumbling part and the acro part. matilda, i was very proud of the placing you got for your trio, so i moved you along. " she pointed to my headshot, which was above nia but below paige. i was quite happy there. "vivi-anne, because you're new here, and you don't know all our terminology, i'm gonna work privately with you this week, so you're going to be doing a solo at this competition. alright girls, lets go. get up, get ready to rehearse. moms, thank you very much. vivi, don't forget- you need to be in dance clothes whenever you walk in this room, ready to go." vivi nods. "alright" abby said, satisfied with how that went.

i shuffled closer to brooke, who helped me do my stretching. miss jennine was making me do more stretch classes and stretch privates with her, and i hated it because it meant i had to do more strength conditioning so i wouldn't get so bendy that i'd snap in half.

miss abby hadn't said that me and kenzie were dismissed, but she hadn't said that we were in the group dance either, which is why i was surprised when she told me to go to the back row with kenzie to start learning the group choreography.

"girls, you're going to enter with your hands behind your backs, walking onto the stage. yes, this is before the music starts..."


"go on honey, you ring the doorbell!" mommy told me as i stepped out of the car. she shut and locked the door behind her.

i reached up to the doorbell, and pressed it hard. a few seconds later, my friends mom came out wearing a pink 'happy birthday!' shirt and a tiara.

"hi tillie! do you want to come in, you can just put the present on the kitchen table, all the rest of the girls are just in the living room, so go and head on into there." she said, but mommy held me back.

"oh, i'm so sorry. are we late?" mommy asked apologetically.

"oh, no, no, you're not late, just the last." she said, and i remembered her name was stacy. "melissa, the other moms and i are just sat on the patio, do you want to come through?"

"of course, i'm glad you asked!" mommy said with a grin.

i rushed through to the kitchen, where i placed my present onto the table. suddenly, i felt a force pummel into me, almost knocking me over.

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