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-nature wives!!!

-there's gonna be 5 main arcs. On ao3 these arcs will be sperate books so like.
Insomnia landed me with 2 kids.... is the starts of arc/book 1
And then there pt 1 canon, then the hermitcraft crossover, then the 2nd pt of canon, then witchcraft

-each arc is going to be roughly q5-20 chapters, maybe mroe maybe less depending. Like the hermits crossover is most likely going to be longer since. While the prequel well be shorter.

-this well take place a few months before everybody comes, like 8 months before

-made this au sometime before nov22 but the kid xornoth au inspired me to expand uponnit and inspired parts of the story. And nerdyace on ao3 helped me expand on the pregnant Shelby idea

-shelby being pregnant is inspired by a conversation i had with another ao3 write, nerdyace

-False and Ollie are 11, Shelby is 26

-shelby does specialize in weather magic, but that doesn't mean she can't do other types of magic

-ollie is a endermen hybrid and False is an elytran, lying about being an avian one(with broken/defective wings) and Shelby is also an elytran

-elytrins are elite cats. Their also related to avian hybrids. Like how wolves are related to dogs and such. But they make cat-like noises

-so do enderians, thiugh they really only purr and make the little cat "mrg" nosie

-the witch academy isn't after Shelby, though there are other people.....

-Shelby is actually terrified of Katherine after finding out her secret

-like, not scared bit also feels an automatic ping if fear throughout her body considering her past

-Katherine and Shelby get a crush on eachother about the same time, but Katherine falls harder

-nature wives real??

-Katherine has mroe nicknames for shekby then shelby has for her. Mainly so that way she can talk about ehr lover without having to disclose her identity considering assasins and such exist. These includeing but not limited too: love(mainly), Goldie, my witch, and storm cloud

-nature wives get together about 5 or so months before everyoen else gets there

-....Owen is the problem child- the dragon is his accomplice

-thinking, magic nature wives baby cause Shelby messed up a spell to try and test for Kaths curse. Turns out she'd flipped to the wrong page!

-Shelby has grudges against Jimmy, cause mom instincts

-shes also terrified down Pix, she knows he doesn't emna any hamr but with his obsession with history and considering elytrans are rare being with Great knowledge of the end....

-yes, even elytrans who haven't lived in the end, know this about it. Its somthing coded in the end hybrids dna, tells them the history of the end and such.

-plus she knows soem history of the empires better then the leaders themselves.....

-she gets along well with Joel, though

-accidental baby accusation, er, teen? Not baby...


-she was SO PROUD

-Oli and False just casually roasting Katherine. Their mommy's kids, like their biased to shelby, shes the favorite.

-Katherine is hurt by this because she knows their more joking and don't actually mean it. Also because shekbys her favorite as well.

-elytrans are a very rare type of species/hybrid, and are often hunted for their wings and after they are cut off, are left to bleed out in forests or oceans

insomnia landed me with 2 kids(mama Witch Au empires S2)Where stories live. Discover now