Mattheo riddle being nice😲

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( this chapter involves. swearing and a lot of heavy flirting, tw there is mention of abuse and rape)

   I and Mattheo walk back to our dorm 

" wait there's  only one bed," he said 

" OK well stay on our side of the bed then" 

" Don't flatter yourself  Malfoy, who would even want to have sex  with you I bet you're a virgin" he added 

" I AM NOT A VIRGIN I have had sex before and it was great thank you very much," I said in a harsh tone, oh and one more thing go fuck yourself riddle" 

he was surprised that I spoke to him like that bc most people are afraid of him 

"I can't believe you just spoke to me like that" 

"Why, bc ur the Dark lords son. Well do about shit like that and what can you do that I haven't been through already" I said 

" wait what do you mean by that, HAS SOMEONE HURT YOU BEFORE," he said genuinely like he cared 

" what does it matter to you riddle u don't care about me " 

" 1 I do care about you and 2 please tell me who has hurt you in" 

" fine but you can't freak out" 

" yeah yeah ok" 

" Cormac McLaggen he's on the  Quidditch team for Griffendor" 

"yeah ik who he is and how did he hurt you and why"

" well he is my ex he was always abusive towards me draco and everyone tried to help but it only made things worse" 

" oh but what did he DO to you yn like how did he hurt you, only if your comfortable talking about it" ( I'm sorry but how cute is he) 

" yea no it's fine, he raped me in my dorm and house he would hit me almost everyday bc because I was friends with the boys  and he always thought I was cheating on him with them, which I wasn't btw," I said all that holding  my tears back 

" I'm going to kill him, but first are you ok," he said really worried 

" no," I said 

he quickly pulled me into a hug and I cried into his arms until I fell asleep 

he went to ask me a question but then realized I was asleep he picked me up and carried me to the bed after he had tucked me in he was about to leave I quickly stopped him 

" mattheo" 

" Yeah" 

" Can you please stay with me after all this is your room" 

" haha yea ofc I can princess" 

he walked back to the bed and we both fell asleep 

* hers a cute little photo*

* hers a cute little photo*

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the next morning Pansy walked into mine and mattheos dorm and saw us coudling She quickly ran downstairs and told everyone to come and see us as they all ran back up Pansy took a photo 

" eww pansy why did you want to show me this that is my little sister and my bsf that's so fucking gross" 

"I think it's cute I have shipped them since the beginning," Enzo said 

" SAME" 

" shhh pansy she sleeping," Mattheo said 

" shit sorry did we wake you" 

" Well I mean there is  a bunch of people  in our dorm taking photos of us so yea im awake" 

they all laugh and say sorry  

sorry its a short part i have school and shit xx

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