Chapter 4

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            "And you're sure this plan will work?" Sasha asks me as we walk back towards the Ferris wheel where the group decided to meet up when we split earlier.

             "Yes, it's totally foolproof. I convince Maya to go on the Ferris wheel with me Eli and Matt. Then I'll make sure Matt and Maya get on together." I say with a satisfied smile because if this works out, I might just be renamed Cupid.

              "It's just that—and don't take this the wrong way—-but your 'plans' always have a way of falling apart." Sasha nervously says scratching the back of her neck.

             "Alright that was one time can we get over that. I'm telling you I'm the love whisperer." I say with jazz hands.

            "It so wasn't one time, but fine I'll play along." Sasha says backing me up, that's one thing I love about her. She can tell me I'm all sorts of crazy, but at the end of the day I can always count on her to always  stand by my side.

"Maya." I called out once we got close to where her and Nick were trying to win a stuffed animal. I wonder if nick knows that those games are rigged or he just chooses to ignore it.

"Hey, you done?" She asks me with a smile when she looks away from Nick struggling to shoot the darts at the balloons.

"Ya, but I wanted to ride the Ferris wheel before we leave." I tell her as I try to ignore the fact that Nick was trying to hop over the booth when the guy turned his head. I bit my lip to keep my laugh from bursting.

"Sure, we can meet at the front once you're done?" She shrugs holding a stuffed panda in her arms that I never noticed before. How she managed to win it, I don't know like I said she's perfect. However now I understand why Nick thinks he has a chance.

"I was wondering if you can join us, you know just for this ride. It's not too scary and I won't bother you about anything else for 24 whole hours." I try to convince her with my very persuasive contract. I know sometimes I can be a bit much and annoying so a break from me must be wonders.

She doesn't respond right away as if she contemplating it. Which just shows that she wants to try and I love her for it.

"Come on, just this once." I push a little more, because I knew she needed that little nudge.

"Okay." She finally says.

"Okay?" I ask making sure.

She nods.

"You are amazing." I squeal clapping my hands as I jump in to give her a bone crushing hug.

"Alright, crazy girl." She chuckles.

"Nick don't you dare pay for another round." I glare at him as I spot him trying to hand the guy another 10.


After gathering everyone at the Ferris wheel entrance, which was a lot harder task than you think. I was looking for Chris for about 15 minutes only to find out he took an Uber home because something he ate made him sick. My carnival food agenda was sounding more and more convincing.

Anyways we had finally made it to the front of the line. Sasha, and Nick were going to go first. Me and Eli right after them and then Matt and Maya after us. How I managed to make this work I have no idea, but I have never been prouder of myself.

"Hey dudes, do any of you drive a Jeep wrangler?" Some guy said coming up to our group. I shake my head to say no, before Eli spoke.

"I do."Eli told the guy and I shut my mouth close because well, I didn't know that. Then again I didn't know much about Eli. I didn't care enough to know.

"I think someone slashed your tires they are all flat." The guy tells him with a concerned expression.

"What? How's that possible?" Eli said as he jumps out of line and starts walking towards the lot without even telling me a word.


           Who cares right? Eli was just an obstacle in my course. As long as my plan works I don't care about riding the Ferris wheel alone.

"Should we go help him?" Sasha turns to whisper to me.

"We can check after the ride, we did not just wait 40 something minutes for nothing." I tell her, because I'm not completely heartless. She nods, as their turn finally comes and they hop onto their seat.

"I'm sorry, Ams." Maya says from behind me as I turn to try to understand what she's on.

"Sorry for what?" I ask her as she answers my question by getting out of line.

"I thought I could, but I can't." She tells me with pleading eyes, and I knew there was more to the story than she's letting on. So, I do the best to get the attention off her and somewhere else so she doesn't feel overwhelmed.

"It's alright, love. Here. Can you hold my purse?" I ask her with a smile and she happily takes my purse and skids away to sit on a nearby bench where I see her let out a sigh of relief.

"Guess it's me and you, Matty boy." I say turning to Matt who was staring at me silently. Sometimes I hated when he did that, just stared with no words. I didn't know if it was because his eyes were so pretty that it felt like they could do anything, or because of the way he did it.

"Next two." The employee called out. Matt offers his hand as I put my hand on top of his. We step up and into the cart where the employee closes the cart and we go up an inch, so that he can place the other passengers before moving.

"Are you okay?" I ask him because although Matt isn't talkative in public, he only gets really silent if something is wrong. It's then that I noticed his breath was hallow. Matt doesn't really get anxious from rides, we've been on them all day. However I knew that it was his anxiety acting up right now, perhaps from a whole day of exertion.

"Where's your chain?" I ask because it seemed to be missing as well as the rest of his usual jewelry, and he needs it because it always helps him calm down whenever he was feeling antsy.

"Um." He says trying to catch his breath as I patiently wait for him to answer. "I didn't wear it today." Another breath, "Didn't want to lose it." He finishes.

I was going to just call the employee to stop the ride and get us off, but the ride lurked, and started moving and I dismissed the plan immediately. However a better plan came to me.

"Here." I say taking his hand and leading it to my birthstone necklace. I didn't say anything else, he knows what's to do. For a second he paused looked me in my eyes as if contemplating something I didn't understand.

A couple seconds later he started to loop his fingers through my necklace, I scoot closer giving him more access as he silently fidgets with my necklace. It took a couple minutes, but his breathing started to neutralize.

I don't know what it was about this moment that felt so, so intense. I'd always known I'd do anything for these boys because they meant the world to me. Somehow this felt different, like it wasn't for them, it felt like something selfish. Like I'm trying to take what isn't mine.

The ride came to a halt. Matt slowly let go of my necklace, I cleared my throat and quickly left without once looking back. I didn't know how to deal with how I felt at the moment, so I do what I always do when I can't face my problems.

I run.


End of chapter 4

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