Chapter 8

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Every yearً, Jake Moore, hosts a campfire party at the woods near his parents cabin. It was no secret that Jake's family was loaded. Seeing his cabin was about the size of a two story house. It's no surprise that Me and Jake are good friends, since our families are business partners and we've known each other since we were little and playing around while the adults talked business.

                 The party was a small affair. It wasn't like those big out of control ragers you see in movies, we liked to keep it small and fun and we did that without any substances. Of course there's been parties where alcohol is involved, but me and the triplets never go to them. We weren't the type to surround ourselves in that type of environment. Not that Im judging or whatever, it's just a personal preference. I just preferred parties like these, small gatherings and just having fun making s'mores and laughing away.

               I was setting up a cute s'mores charcuterie
board (which by the way is struggle with only one hand) when some guests entered and started dropping the things they brought with them. Snacks, candles, board games, soda, etc. The quiet room was now filled with conversation and laughter. I tried to hurry up and finish up my board, so I can join in and converse. I guess you can say I'm a bit extroverted, or maybe I just like to talk a lot to anyone who cares to listen. I was chatty what can I say.

                "Hey, sleeping beauty." A senior said with a wink as he tosses in a couple marshmallows in his mouth from my arrangement. I swear I could've killed him right there and then.

                "Asshole." Is what I settled for as he walked away.

              "Dick." Someone added as he walked near me and I knew instantly who it was, because lately their presence became even clearer to me than it ever did before.

           I turned to find Matt with a hard jaw glaring daggers at the jock who ruined my board. He looked away his eyes meeting mine as they soften, a smile quickly lighting up his face and I swear I could've melted right there and then.

           "Need help?" Matt asks giving me a side hug as greeting which unintentionally brought a smile to my face.

          "I got it." I tell him and then added, "thank you though."

            "Next time he messes with you, let me know." Matt says as he grabs Hershey's from my board and throws them into mouth, "That's my job." He says with a devilish smile as he pats my shoulder mockingly walking away.

           I huff and release a groan thinking about how I have to rerange the board once again.

          It's official.

          I hate the male species.


        "Truth or dare?" I ask the group of us that we're sitting inside the house waiting for the sun to go down so we can finally go outside and make s'mores. It was up to me to keep everyone entertained in the mean time, since Jake and Nick escaped to who the hell knows where.

          I pointed my finger at Chris deciding he would be mg first victim. "Chris."

          "Truth, no dare! No wait truth, or dare? No no no wait for real I think truth, or Yes dare-" Chris kept on rambling not making a decision as Maya on the right of him was laughing at his actions, which somehow made him continue his ramble.

            "We'll get back to you." I Said to him and instead turned in front of Mackenzie. "Truth or dare?"

              "Dare." She glowered taking a sip of her sprite. I'll admit. I purposely chose her, because I wanted to teach her a fucking lesson on not messing with my friends. I've heard rumors that she's been a raging bitch to Maya, all because her delusional  mind conjured up that her and Chris were dating, and everyone knows Mackenzie was obsessed with Chris to the point it was freaky. It's the reason Chris tries to run out of any room she enters. She genuinely scared him.

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