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Y/n woke up to the sound of her alarm buzzing, signaling the start of a new day. She groggily rubbed her eyes and sat up, yawning. Glancing at the clock, she realized that she had overslept a bit and needed to hurry up to get ready.

As she got dressed, Y/n realized that she had a busy day ahead of her. She had to drop off her little brother Jaehyun at kindergarten, attend classes, and work on a project for the club. But despite the long day ahead, Y/n felt energized and excited.

After getting dressed, Y/n went downstairs to the kitchen, where she found Jaehyun already seated at the table, munching on cereal.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," her little brother greeted her with a grin.

"Good morning, Jaehyun," Y/n smiled back, ruffling his hair. "Are you excited to go to kindergarten today?"

Jaehyun nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, I am! Can we go now?"

Y/n chuckled at her little brother's enthusiasm. "Sure, let's go. Finish up your breakfast first."

After breakfast, Y/n and Jaehyun headed out of the door and walked to the nearby kindergarten. Along the way, Jaehyun chattered away excitedly about his favorite animals at the zoo and how much fun he had with Kyujin and Eunchae.

Y/n listened attentively to her little brother, happy to see him so happy. As they arrived at the kindergarten, Y/n hugged Jaehyun goodbye and watched as he ran into the classroom, waving at her through the window.

Taking a deep breath, Y/n straightened up and headed towards her own classes, ready to tackle the day ahead.

~ At school ~

As Y/n was walking towards the classroom, she saw Jungwon sitting alone on a bench outside, his hoodie and mask still covering his face. She motioned for Kyujin and Eunchae to follow her, and they approached him together.

"Hey Jungwon," Y/n said softly, taking a seat next to him. "Are you okay?"

Jungwon hesitated before nodding his head slightly. Y/n could tell he was still struggling with whatever was bothering him.

"Listen, we're here for you, okay?" Kyujin spoke up. "We just want to help, but we need you to open up to us. We care about you."

Jungwon remained silent, his gaze fixed on the ground. Y/n noticed that his hands were shaking slightly, and she reached out to place a reassuring hand on his arm.

"Whatever it is, you don't have to go through it alone," she said softly. "We're here for you, and we won't judge you."

Jungwon took a deep breath and slowly turned his head to look at Y/n. For a moment, Y/n thought he was about to speak, but then the bell rang, signaling the start of class.

"We'll talk more later, okay?" she said, giving him a small smile.

Jungwon nodded again before standing up and walking towards his classroom. Y/n watched him go, feeling a sense of worry and concern weighing heavily on her heart. She knew that they still had a long way to go before Jungwon would open up completely, but she was determined to be there for him every step of the way.

As they sat there waiting, Y/n couldn't help but think about Jungwon's confession. She wanted to help him and support him, but she didn't know how. She looked over at him, noticing how he was fidgeting with his pen, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Kyujin nudged her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Hey, Y/n, what's up?" she asked.

Y/n shook her head. "Nothing, just thinking about stuff," she replied, not wanting to burden her friends with her own problems.

Eunchae noticed the tension in the air and decided to change the topic. "Hey, did you guys see that new movie trailer? It looks amazing!"

They all started discussing the latest movies and TV shows, trying to distract themselves from the tension that lingered. But Y/n couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off with Jungwon.

As the teacher walked into the classroom, the students quieted down and got ready for the day's lessons. Y/n looked over at Jungwon, hoping he would be okay. She knew she had to be patient with him and let him open up when he was ready. But it was hard, seeing him struggle every day.

As the day went on, Y/n found herself constantly looking over at Jungwon, making sure he was okay. He seemed distant, lost in his own thoughts, and Y/n couldn't help but worry. She knew she had to talk to him again to let him know that she was there for him no matter what. But she didn't want to push him too hard.

~ At the break ~

Y/n and Jungwon walked together to the cafeteria. It was crowded as usual, and Y/n had to navigate through the sea of students to find an empty table. She spotted one in the corner and gestured for Jungwon to follow her.

Once they were seated, Y/n noticed that Jungwon was fidgeting with his hands. She decided to break the silence and asked him how he was feeling.

Jungwon took a deep breath and said, "I'm okay. I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed."

Y/n nodded understandingly. She knew that school could be tough, especially for someone like Jungwon, who struggled with anxiety.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Y/n said softly.

Jungwon looked up at her and gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Y/n. I appreciate it."

Y/n noticed Jungwon's reaction and realized that she touched on a sensitive topic. She quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Jungwon. I didn't mean to pry."

Jungwon looked down at his hands and spoke softly, "It's okay. It's just that... I don't really have a family."

Y/n's heart sank as she listened to Jungwon's words. She didn't expect that kind of answer from him. She tried to comfort him by placing her hand on top of his, "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Jungwon smiled weakly at Y/n and took a deep breath. "It's fine. I'm used to it. I just don't like talking about it."

Y/n nodded understandingly, "I won't ask you again. But just know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

Jungwon's eyes met hers, and he gave her a small smile, "Thanks, Y/n. You're a good friend."

Y/n smiled back at him, feeling happy that she could be there for him. They continued to sit in silence, but this time, it was a comforting one. They both enjoyed each other's company, and Y/n was happy to see Jungwon opening up little by little.

~ After the break ~

Y/n arrived at the student council room just in time for the meeting. She took her seat and began to go through the agenda. As they were discussing the upcoming school event, Y/n couldn't help but think about Jungwon.

She wondered what was causing him to be so guarded and anxious all the time. She had tried talking to him about his family, but he seemed reluctant to share anything. Y/n wanted to help him, but she didn't know how.

Lost in thought, Y/n was startled when Kyujin nudged her arm. "Earth to Y/n, are you okay?" Kyujin asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about something."

"Is it about Jungwon?" Eunchae asked, noticing the worried look on Y/n's face.

Y/n sighed, "Yeah. I still don't know what's going on with him. He seems so guarded all the time."

Kyujin leaned forward, "Have you tried talking to him again?"

Y/n nodded, "I asked him about his family, but he shook his head no. I don't want to push him, but I also don't want him to feel like he's alone."

Eunchae placed a reassuring hand on Y/n's shoulder, "You're doing your best, Y/n. Maybe he just needs time."

The rest of the meeting continued, but Y/n couldn't shake off the worry about Jungwon. She couldn't help but feel like there was something more she could do to help him.

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