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3rd Pov

It was an normal evening in the city of London, in the near outskirts of the city we can see an man in its 20s walking back to home from grocery. His name is Henry Wilson. A gamer that loves to play civilization games and also an man of culture ( loves anime and other... culture stuff ). He was just minding his own business but that day will forever change his life.

Henry: "Man why is that the sidewalk take 10 years to reach my apartment. I am tired from all of this walking, even if I take that subway, it's still takes a long time to get to my house. I really need to buy an car after I get enough money from my job."

3rd Pov

He was walking for a few minutes until he came upon an crossroad which he stop to wait for the traffic light to turn red so he could walk. When he saw an young boy that just ran across the crossroad and didn't look at traffic in which he tripped and in the middle of the road about to get hit by an truck that was attempting to stop but just can't. Henry saw this and immediately drop his groceries and attempted to grab and hug the child so that he took the impact.

The truck hit Henry hard and he along with the young boy rolled for a few times until he stopped. The young boy is safe but Henry was bleeding a lot and is losing more blood. He was at the verge of death and it's slowly losing his conscience, some people who witnessed it call the ambulance.

Henry thought:"I can't believe this is how I am gonna died, saving an child at my last day. That was probably heroic and dumb but at this point, does it matter. I really hope there's a after life when I finally leave this world. Goodbye Mom,Dad and relatives, I will be seeing you in the afterlife."

After that his vision fade to black.

In the void?

We can see Henry floating across in some sort of an void. And which he finally woke up.

Henry:(opens his eyes) what the... Where am I? What is this place?

??: "Calm down Henry, no need to be panic."

Henry: "Wha-! Who's there? Show yourself! And did you know my name!"

??: "Relax Henry, I am showing myself right now."

Then suddenly an bright light appears and blinds Henry temporary. When the light fade out he can see an beautiful woman that is wearing an almost exposed dress that is making him really blush and something come up from his pants( If you know what mean ).

Henry: "So... Who are you?" He said while blushing.

??: "I am what you call in your world an goddess."

Henry: "Wait am I in some sort of isekai stuff right now?"

Goddess: "Impressive,you actually catch up to my point already."

Henry: "I watch too much anime to know this stuff at this point so yeah I know that you're gonna reincarnate me to another world where I am gonna be the hero and kill the demon lord, is that it?"

Goddess: "Well you are right about the 'going into another world' stuff but you are not fighting demon lords."

Henry: "Then what am I going to do in another world for if I am not fighting the demon lord?"

Goddess: "Well I want you to build an kingdom or an empire if you want in another world."

Henry: "Wait what? I am building an kingdom in another world? I don't even know how to start one? And why am I building an kingdom of myself?"

Goddess: "Well you can take that building your own kingdom as your reward for saving the child. And the reason that I want you to start building your own kingdom their is to upset the balance of power in that world and put your ideology into that world."

Henry: "Okay I understand the rescuing the child reward but why do I have to upset the balance of power and my ideology there?"

Goddess: "Is so that to make the world an better place for all. Right now that world is full of awful things such as corruption, racial discrimination, slavery and all kinds of horrible stuff that they do in that world."

Henry: "So you want me to go there and place my ideology of freedom, equality and justice into that world to rid of corruption and all kinds of stuff?"

Goddess: "Yes, I want you to start an kingdom where everyone can live peacefully and to also rid of all the bad things in the world."

Henry: "Alright then, I'm in. So... How am I supposed to start an kingdom. I don't have anything to start with? It's not like I can just summon an city,soldiers and civilians to help me with the kingdom."

Goddess: "I was about to give you an system that allows you to summon what you just said."

Henry: "Oh, then should we get started on the system giving process?"

Goddess: "Of course, but first you should choose what nation tech from your world do you want to use first. All the tech I am giving you is from the 1900"

Henry thought for a sec until he finally got his answer and said

Henry: "The British tech."

Goddess: "Not an bad choice but why choose it?"

Henry: "Because I still wanna represent my nation and I can actually witness the rise of my own kingdom with my homeland technology."

Goddess: "That's an good answer."

Henry: "Can I get an another request?"

Goddess: "Okay, what is your request?"

Henry: "Can I became a girl?"

The goddess found this confusing and answer

Goddess: "Why do you want to become a girl?"

Henry: "Because I am man of culture and I want to feel how is being an woman that is queen of an country feels like."

Goddess: "Okay... That's acceptable I guess."

Henry: "Thank you goddess, I will build a shrine in your name when I start an kingdom. And I never answer this, what is your name of you don't mind me asking?"

Goddess: "Well I guess that is acceptable for turning you into a girl, my name is Aurora by the way."

Henry: "Well thank you goddess Aurora for giving me this. So when will we began my transportation to another world?"

Aurora: "Right now actually."

The goddess then start chanting unknown words to Henry. Then suddenly Henry body is engulfed in light.

Aurora: "I wish you good luck in another world, Henry."

Then Henry body disappeared and so the start of an new adventure for Henry and the birth of an new kingdom that will shift the balance of power in the whole world.

Starting an Empire in another worldWhere stories live. Discover now