Vol 1 Eve of War

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Januari 7, 1426 (new world calendar)

Capital of Athos Kingdom, Hullga

This city is literally the definition of hell itself. There are prostitute's,slave and drug dealer roaming around the street as if they was no laws in this city. Many attempted to flee but ultimately fail but caught by bandits and was sold to slavery.

In the castle throne room, we see an man wearing an crown who appears to be the king of this country. Next to him is 2 slave girl that are bound to chains. Right now the king is having an meeting with other high ranking official within the country.

Messenger: My lord, today we have received news that an slave convoy has been intercepted by an unknown nation.

King: Well what nation is it.

Messenger: I think they call themselves the Kingdom of Englundia? But whoever it is they definitely put an spook on those armed guards defending that convoy. We interviewed the guard for more information. The guard said they were carrying like an large wooden staff and can shoot something out of it pretty fast as it manage to kill one of the armed guard pretty quick. They also wear green colour clothes and appear to wear no armour.

Noble 1: This is outrageous! what kind of report are you saying! My lord we must sent an army to punish them!

Noble 2: I agree with him.

Noble 3: Same here.

King: Okay then, it looks like we made an decision. We will sent an message to them and ask them to become our puppet or face consequences. Anyone object?

All noble: No my lord

King: Good.

The king of Athos sent an message to the Mamta near the border of their nation. Which basically tell Englundia to become their puppet,give them slaves and gold or they sent their army to annihilate them. The message was sent all the way back to Queen Hannah which she read it.

Hannah: I swear I am going to murder every last of those cocky nobles and their king.

Amy: [ So how will you respond to this?]

Hannah thought: I know how...

Hannah immediately pick up an 1910 phone and relay to an messenger telling him to gather all members of parliament to gather in the parliament to discuss how to deal with this threatening letter.

*Palace of Westminster*

All of parliament members were present during the meeting. As members of parliament took their seat, Queen Hannah arrived, all members of parliament immediately stand up and bowed down to respect the queen. The queen then takes her seat at the top of the parliament speaker seats. With members of parliament in the room, the speaker of the parlimen began speaking regarding the message that was received by Athos.

Parliament member 1: What! Are they out of their mind!

Parliament member 2: This is outrageous! We will never agreed to this!

Parliament member 3: And they even threatened our nation by war! We'll show them who will be the victors here once we destroy their nation!

Parliament speaker: Order! Order!

All members of parliament quiet down.

Parliament speaker: Right now, our queen have some message to share with you all.

Hannah: To all members of  parliament, are we really going to sit here idle by and let other nation insult us like peasants. We may have not been here long in this new world, but I will not tolerate anyone that dares threaten our nation. And I will make sure that I will keep this nation safe from other kingdoms that dare destroy our paradise. Speaker... You may continue.

Parliament speaker: To all those that defy to this blasphemy message, say yes.

All members of parliament said yes.

Parliament speaker: Then we shall sent an message to them telling them that we will say no.

All members of parliament agreed.

*Capital of Athos, Hullga*

King: They say what!

Messenger: They say no and would rather fight my lord.

Noble 1: Damn they are very arrogant.

King: Prepare the army and sent them an message that we have officially declared war on them.

All of the nobles: Yes my lord.

The message was sent all the way back to Londinium. Upon arrival, Hannah read it in her office and gave out an very evil smile.

Amy: [ What's with that smile? You're creeping me out ]

Hannah: They are all actually dumb. They actually declared war on us.

Amy: [ Well... They are arrogant and prideful so yeah, what do you expect. ]

Hannah: Yeah you're right about. Time to go to war.

Hannah then use the phone to call the Mamta Army high command to prepare for war and an invasion to their homeland. With the orders given, she would today announced the declaration of war of the Athos Kingdom.

Hannah was in Buckingham palace ledge overlooking over thousands of people waiting for her speech.

Hannah:"To the people of Englundia,

It is with great regret that we must announce the declaration of war against the hostile nation of Athos, which has threatened us with military force.

This nation not only attempted to trespass into our borders, but also make blasphemy treaty to make us their puppet and allow slavery to be held here. And if decline threaten us with war.

We will not sit idly by while our sovereignty is threatened and our people are put in danger. Our armed forces are mobilizing and preparing to defend our nation against this aggression.

We urge all citizens to remain calm and stay vigilant. We will do everything in our power to protect you and ensure a swift and decisive victory against the enemy.

We understand that this news may be unsettling, but we must stand together as a united front to overcome this challenge. Our cause is just and our determination unbreakable.

We will provide updates and information as the situation develops.

May our efforts bring us victory and a lasting peace."

The crowds immediately began cheering and also insulting the Athos Kingdom

Civilian 1: For Queen and country!

Civilian 2: Down with Athos!

Civilian 3: Those Athos can go to hell!

Civilian 4: We will prevail!

2 days have past since the declaration of war. The Athos Kingdom have already mobilize an army of 53,000 troops towards the Englundia-Athos borders, while the Englundia only mobilize 14,000 men to defend. It may seem like the Athos are at the advantages here since they overwhelmed them with 5 to 1, but Englundia is already in the 1910 which means that the Englundia already has artillery,machine guns and most importantly tanks. As the Athos Kingdom slowly approach the Englundia-Athos borders, the soldiers from Englundia began building trench system, bunker nest and set up artillery pieces behind their lind.

When the 2 army finally met, the massacre is about to began.

(A/N: I am so tired... And also enjoy this chapter. And also quick reminder I have no idea how to write the combat stuff in the next chapter so yeah.)

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