Chapter 21: My Recovery

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I was in the hospital for five days, until they said the words I was dreading: I was being discharged.

My mother did her best to put on a strong face and worm her way into favor in Marcus' eyes during the five days she was present. It worked, now she has an open invitation for Thanksgiving. Marcus was excited and looked forward to it, because most of his pack was Canadian and didn't celebrate. Since my family did, we could celebrate together. He said it had been a long time since he had a proper holiday meal.

My mother used the opportunity to sweeten the deal by figuring out all his favorite foods. The reason Marcus loved my mother was because after I told her my analysis she knew how to get what she wanted from Marcus: she pumped up his ego, and talked about his favorite subject: himself.

She was able to talk him into allowing her to stay for an additional week to help me adjust to my new life and take care of me while I finished recovering. She had a strong charm offensive when she needed it, and it was obvious that I got my mind from her.

After I was discharged, my mother made herself useful pushing my wheelchair out of the hospital, but when we got to the parking lot, Marcus put on a show for her lifting me up and carrying me to the car bridal style. She praise him as he expected, and he showered me with affection to receive more affirmation from my mother.

If Marcus thought he was taking me to the island to groom me he was wrong, my mother would have him trained on how to treat me in a week. I just had to take notes on her reinforcement schedule and what kind of praise he liked the most.

The thought of all the dishonesty made me feel sick to my stomach, and I knew deep down this would only lead to an abuse cycle when he got bored, but at least for the time being, he shouldn't be too abusive during the love bombing stage.

If I can stretch it to six months when the baby is apparent our neighbors will praise him and maybe we can get the love bomb stage to one year so the baby will be out and I can enlist babysitters if I need to, once I see what kind a monster lies underneath his mask.

For now, I was cast as the sweet innocent mate who suffered from head trauma and lost my mind. I cuddled into Marcus' chest as he sat me gently into the back of a car.

It took almost an hour to get from the hospital to the island on calm waters. My mother held my hand in support to make me stronger. She knew what we had to do this week, and I had to be brave.

When we got to the island, my mother wasted no time getting to know our neighbors. She made cookies and we went to visit them to share cookies with them and drink coffee. In the first 24 hours she had established a support network for me to call on in the event that I needed help.

She also found and elderly woman nearby to dote over so she could excuse herself to give Marcus and I time alone to mate using running errands for the woman as an excuse. By doing this she was also building a relationship with the safest neighbor with the most influence due to her age and standing in the pack so that she could transfer that favor to me.

My mother's skills at networking were unparalleled. She never missed a detail.

Our first night back, she made spaghetti and meatballs and retired early, taking the only other bedroom, forcing us to sleep in the same bed.

Marcus wrapped his arms around me, and held my breasts in his sleep, but thankfully, that was it for the night. I ignored his hard on against my bottom, and pretended to be incredibly naive.

I tried to lie to myself that it wasn't so bad. Marcus was handsome. His body was defined and strong, like all werewolves. He also had incredible eyes and charisma when he wanted to command attention. I listed off every positive physical characteristic I could, but I still couldn’t stomach him.

He was also dead inside, fake, and dangerous. I didn't want to connect with him. I didn't want to even know him nor associate with him.

I had to find ways to think of my kidnapper as attractive. I just couldn't. The thought made me want to vomit. I needed Samantha.

I decided the next morning to take Stryker for a run. Samantha would love this idea and she was endlessly droning on and on about mating with him. I was given a clean bill of health from the doctors so a quick game of hide and seek with my wolf should get me what I needed to protect my baby. As long as Samantha doesn't tell them.

Samatha? I called.

Yes? She responded.

I want to call a truce. I explained.

You mean you want me to keep quiet about the pup in your belly so Stryker won't kill it. She elaborated.

Look at that! We are already on the same wavelength. I love it. If you protect the baby and keep my secret, I will allow you control to play with and mate with Stryker three times every week, and I will mate and mark Marcus. If you kill my baby, you will never meet Stryker and I will never mate with Marcus. Do we have a deal? I negotiated with her. I will even give you control when we mate with Marcus so you can thoroughly enjoy yourself. You can do whatever you want with him. Have fun! I just want the baby out of the deal. You can have all the pups you want after. Please, Samantha. Just once, can we come to a compromise?

Fine. My lips are sealed. Samantha promised.

I want your word that you will protect this pup as your own. I clarified again. The pup is all I want out of this Hell that has become my life. Can I have just this?

I will. Samantha promised again. You have my word. I will say the pup came from Marcus.

Well, there he is. Go get him! I gave over control.

Samantha was ecstatic.

She turned her back on Marcus as he looked at my body.

She took our shirt off, then our bra, took our pants off, and bent low showing him our butt as she took our panties off. She stood up, and shifted, back to him as he watched with enticed eyes.

Then she ran out of the cabin into the woods.

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