Part 4: Chapter 38: Boat Ride

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Jesse's Perspective

My instincts about the jail break were accurate. Alpha Alex filed a complaint with police to distract us while slipping a guard in to break out Marcus and sneak him out, but Steve was on to him. The phony guard and Alpha Alex were thrown in jail and are awaiting trial. The executions went as scheduled.

Rebecca decided to not attend the executions because she decided that chapter of her life was over and she didn't need to darken her soul with thoughts of revenge. She was just happy their lives were over and no one else would suffer at their hands.

As per her usual, Rebecca found a way to spin the worst problems into something wholesome. She was finding her light again.

I set her up in her own room across the hall from mine. I said it was incase she needed anything, but really, I couldn't stand to have her too far away. I was afraid she would disappear again.

It has been two weeks since the executions, and Rebecca is seeing a Psychiatrist for her trauma a couple times a week. It seems to be helping, but I really miss her. It has been so hard not to touch her the way I used to, and to be kept at a distance when my heart ached for her.

Today, I was taking her out on a boat to get away and break up the monotony of every day life. It is summer, and it seemed like the perfect thing to do on such a beautiful day.

Rebecca wore a UV shirt and shorts. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail, and she wore sandals. She had packed a cooler of drinks and snacks, and she bought one of those bone conducting speakers that claimed it could turn the entire boat into a speaker.

I helped her into the boat and onto a seat, and we took off on the lake. It was such a perfect day to be on the water. After a while of driving, I stopped the boat and let it drift. The air was the perfect temperature, the waves were relaxing, and I couldn't stand to let her sit by herself another second. I needed contact with her.

I sat next to her as she rubbed sunscreen on her face. It smelled like a coconut vomited on her, but I didn't say anything.

I took off my shirt and asked if she could help me put some on my back. I knew it was a chick move, but she had always loved to see me shirtless. Touching my muscles was our usual foreplay. The sunscreen was just a means to an end. I didn't want sex, just for her to acknowledge me.

I closed my eyes enjoying her touch and then turned around to let her apply it to my chest, but she handed me the bottle. I sighed defeated. She wouldn't be touching me today.

I applied the sunscreen, but she didn't even look at me. I pretended to drop the bottle and bent over to get it and she looked away on purpose.

I couldn't take the rejection any more so I turned the boat back on and drove. The wind felt amazing on my skin. I would try to forget and not mope, but I have been doing that a lot lately. I know she is healing, but touching me a little, a stray kiss, something, anything, would encourage me right now. Instead my chest hurt.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Rebecca asked when I stopped the boat in a cove that looked good for swimming.

"Are you still attracted to me?" It just came out. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

Before she could say anything I dropped anchor and dove into the water.

Coward Fang taunted me as I swam.

Ass. I countered.

Fang laughed.

Then I heard a splash, and Rebecca was in the water too swimming towards me. I stopped for her to catch up, then she passed me. She swam to shore, stripped behind a bush, and shifted.

She stood on the shore and swished her tail at me.

Game on.

I got out of the water, stripped, and shifted.

I tracked her easily, but then she doubled back and I found myself at a dead end. I had to find where she jumped off the trail onto a puddle or high log. I spotted it and continued to hunt for her.

Then she was on top of me. She shifted and commanded, "Shift!" I did.

She pinned me on my back, in the mud, and kissed me with so much energy, I forgot I was sad.

I kissed her back and then stopped her.

"Are you sure?" I asked concerned. I didn't want to hurt her or put her backwards in her progress.

"Completely. I am pregnant, I am horny, and I want you NOW." She pressed her lips to mine forcefully and I didn't argue.

She eased onto me quickly wasting no time with foreplay, and moaned loudly. "I missed this so much. You fit perfectly." She began to ride me aggressively, and I watched her body.

"You are so beautiful." I told her as I watched her breasts move. She came quickly, but didn't slow. Then again, before her pulses made it impossible to hold out any longer, and I came inside her.

She smiled at me, and kissed me. "How was that? No condom."

In the back of my mind I thought to myself that she and I will both need to be tested, but after such a long time waiting, there was no way in Hell I was saying that to her right now especially in her current state. I will probably just get myself tested and only tell her if I am positive for anything to spare her.

I kissed her softly and then let myself become more aggressive. She moaned softly so I took it as a sign she was enjoying it. Then without warning, she ended the kiss and pulled away.

I guess we are done. My heart sank. I missed making out with her. I am such a dog. What is wrong with me?

Do I get a turn? Fang was curious about her wolf. He had complied with the idea of mating and marking her, but he really wanted to meet her first.

"Fang wants to meet Samantha. Would that be ok?" I asked.

"Sounds fun." She shifted and so did I.

They didn't hide from each other, but instead smelled everywhere, and after finding the scent of the other acceptable, Samantha offered herself to Fang. Fang did not have to be asked twice.

Where is your game "Stud"? I taunted.

I take what I can get. Fang seemed to shrug.

When we shifted back, I was in a mood. I couldn't process, couldn't understand and my heart hurt. I dove into the water, climbed into the boat and sat in the floor to try to think. Why does this hurt so much?

A few minutes later, Rebecca boarded the boat carrying my shorts.

She tossed them at me. "Opps. Thank you." I didn't even try to put them on.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I don't think so." I replied.

"Please stop shutting me out." Tears fell from my eyes. "I can't feel you. I can't touch you. I can't kiss you... You don't even like looking at me anymore. I would never hurt you." I paused to catch my breath. "Why don't you want me anymore?"

Rebecca said nothing.

I put on my shorts, pulled on my shirt, and sat on a seat. I felt used. It felt horrible.

I pulled up the anchor, put the key in the ignition, and turned on the boat. Rebecca was still silent.

I drove back to the dock and tied off the boat. I waited for an answer, but none came. I walked back home, went into my room, and laid on my bed confused.

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