Chapter 3

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On their first class, the new professor had ask them to prepare a draught of living death potion that was incredibly hard to make. But the students were motivated as the reward was a little bottle of liquid luck. For Kate, this potion was so easy to make that she didn't need the book. On the other hand, Hermione for once, was struggling with the second step. As she saw Harry being at the third one, she started to panic.

« How did you do that ? » asked Hermione as she saw Harry being better than her.

« Crush it, don't cut it » said Harry and Kate in unisson.

They both looked at each other and Kate felt that something wasn't normal. Harry couldn't have known about this secret because the secret was coming from her father.

« No ! The instruction specifically say to cut ! » said Hermione who was competely losing her mind.

Slughorn passed through the students and their potions. Harry and Kate were the only one who had made it. Because Kate knew already the reciepe, she let Harry have the liquid luck.

They spent two months going from class to class and learning new things. Even though Flora was hiding her being a death eater, she was so happy to be with her bestfriend. She was a 5th year so sometimes, Kate was helping her with potion's secrets. The October's holidays had arrived soon and Kate was going home with her father.

The thing, she didn't know yet, is that Voldemort had organised a new death eater reunion at the Malfoy's manor. Snape was invited but her daughter, not being a death eater, obviously wasn't. Which was kind of a problem. The solution they found was for Kate to stay with Dobby in the cave until the reunion was over. Although Kate loved the little house elf, being several hours in the dark was not her cup of tea.

So after many bad jokes from Dobby, she decided to get up and try to get a hint of what was going on on the upper floor. She went up silently the staircase and eyed the dinning table where all the death eaters were starting to sit down. The table was so long that one probably had to yell so that the one on the other side would be able to hear. Big chandeliers and candles were lighting up the place and creating ugly shadows on an old death eater that seemed to be a stranger in the middle of the crowd. Suddenly Kate saw something that didn't please her that much. Flora was one of the many death eaters to join the reunion. Kate immediately put the pieces together. This entire time Flora had been lying to her. She knew she had to do something about it and decided to get up.

As Flora was sitting down on one of the big wooden chairs, Kate made a weird sound to try and catch her attention. Flora was too concentrated on fighting with her brother that she hadn't heard her. Kate had to come up with something clever but still needed to stay hidden.

After a few minutes of brain storming, she had the idea. She untied her hair as quickly as possible and bent her scrunchie in Flora's direction. The scrunchie flew at top speed, touched the black long hair and fell on the floor a few feet away. Flora turned around and looked at the colorful blue scrunchie and immediately recognized whose it was. She looked up and made big eyes when she saw its owner hunkered down in the corner of the room. Flora wispered something at her mom who then nodded as she got up. She walked quickly in her direction but took the time to verify around her that no one was watching.

« What the hell are you doing here ?! » she asked in a rush.

« Well I came with my father but had to stay here. And I could ask you the same ! » answered Kate.

« Well... Same for me... » said Flora trying to ignore the situation in which she had gotten herself into.

« But that's your house » responded Kate with dispite and amusment.

« Um... »

« No, tell me the truth. Are you a death eater ? » asked Kate dreadfully.

A long pause marked the conversation.

« Yes. But I have been meaning to talk to you about it since a long time ! It's just that I was ashamed of what I had become and didn't want you to avoid me... » said Flora with shame in her voice.

Kate was going to answer back but got interrupted by a pale face with a sneering smile.

« You girls know the dark lord wouldn't be too happy about this right ? »

« Draco ! Shhh ! » hissed Flora.

« Don't shush me. I suppose you girls wouldn't appreciate it as much as I would if the dark lord knew what was happening behind his back, wouldn't you ? » said Draco.

He was going to tell the Dark Lord when Kate held his hand and stopped him from walking away. Draco turned around and looked at their two hands which were preventing them to be far away from one another. Their eyes met and it was like all their differences were gone for an instant. Their racing veins brushed against each others as their skin created a soft tingleling. Draco slipped his hand away and tried not to look into Kate's eyes. Flora was standing in front of them waiting for Draco to change his mind.

« Draco, don't do this. » the sound of Flora's voice broke the awkward moment and made both Kate and Draco come back to their senses.

« Alright but you're going to do something for me. If you don't want to, fine, but I am pretty sure you're not going to enjoy the rest of your holidays. »

Kate and Flora didn't had the time to think because Draco went back to the reunion. Kate had no other choice but to help Draco.

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