LT 15~ "Who's that?!"

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Kyree's P.O.V.

-- 5 days ago.. --

School fair was fun! Even though I didn't get a chance to see the boys performing on stage, (cause I'm on the music system duty -.- ) they had fun and they performed well. I'm glad to hear that.

We tried a lots of booths. Me and Niall joined a eating contest. It's by partners. And we won! The prize is.. more foods!!

About the whole 'Jerry' thing.. I wouldn't like to talk about it.. he's the worst! If I had a chance to see that boy.. I'll kill him. Like the way he killed his sister. Yeah, I knew that. I saw him and Mary saw me too. She's asking for help.. but it's too late.. Jerry saw her twin in other direction so, he looked at it too quickly. I hide inside the closet so he can't see me. I was successful! But.. No more Mary..

Anyway, I'll leave my past right there.

New start of life. And back to school -.-

"Ms. Thompson, still alive?" Mr. Mendes asked. Ooh, I past out again?

"Yeah, just.. thinking about the.. lesson." Please be satisfieeedd!!

"Hmm.. pick a better excuse next time." He continued his lesson and I didn't listen.. I hate this teacher. He's always picking on me.. He's the worst teacher ever! Rubbish!

"What did you just said, Ms. Thompson?!" Say what? Did I just said it out loud? Oh God.. Real trouble! Kyreee!! Think of an excuse!

"Err.." What's happening?! I can't think! Mission abort!!



I ran out of the door quickly and spotted Louis running too.

"Loouuiis!!" I shouted then ran. He looked at me and smiled. We sat on the nearest bench while panting..

"Gaah! That was close!" I said. I'm thirsty..

"Why are you running?" He asked.

"Mr. Mendes caught me saying, he's the worst teacher ever and he's so rubbish. And for the first time in forever, I can't think of a brilliant excuse.." I said while my kicking my feet in the air.

"Ooh.. I guess, that was the reason why am I running too."

"Ooh!! You're a really good student! No doubt." I said then we high-fived.


--Lunch Time--

"Hey, I forgot to tell you about Josh's plan." I said.

"Oh, yeah.. It'll be held on the next day. Am I right?" Louis asked and I nodded in reply.

"Wait, what plan?" Liam asked.

"It's the marriage proposal.. thingy." Xai said.

"Josh has a girl friend?!" Harry asked.

"Yeah, 4 years." I said.

"Ooh, so what's the plan?" Roni asked.


"Great," Zayn said.

"Josh has a pretty good plan." Nessa said.

"Pfft.. I don't know that Josh can come up with a plan like that." Roni said.

"Yeah, so.. are you with us?" I asked. They all nodded. Ths will be successful. I just know it..

But what if it fails?

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