LT 13~ "Who's Jerry?"

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Louis' P.O.V.

I woke up in a familiar room. I think I'm here at the school clinic. Why am I in here anyway? All I remember was the..

Horror House..


I grabbed Kyree's hand and the ghosts started to scare and do some stuffs that made Kyree jump and scream. She screamed again when I felt something wet all over my body. I looked at her and she's all wet too. I hugged her for some odd reasons.

"Now, we're all wet. We don't have any clothes for us to change later." She said. I really can't see her expression because of the dark.

"Naah, its cool. We'll have a unique outfit." I winked but I don't know if she noticed it.

"Let's kick some ghost ass!" She yelled.

Kyree got a rope and I helped her gather all the ghosts that I can see. We tied them all up with the rope. It's pretty long though..

"Hey! How can this be a horror house without the ghosts?" One of the ghosts asked.

"How can we possibly find the key in the dark. Can you answer that?" Kyree said. He just stayed quiet. Nice one! She totally got that ghost's attention.

"You know, our work is the hardest. We should have a treat from them later." She huffed.

"Let's go find the others?" I asked.

"How about this peasants?" She asked then pointed at the fake ghosts.

"Naah, they won't get away." I pulled Kyree's hand and then we slipped on water.. everything went black..

--end of flashback--

Oh, no! Kyree! Where is she? I need to find her what if she-- Wait, Lou.. don't go nuts.. you're inside the school and she always slip on floors. She's probably fine. Anything can't go wrong. It's not really an accident. You just slipped on water. Need to chill..

I followed my mind. I wonder where is she.. I opened the curtain next to mine. I saw Kyree lying on the clinic bed. She's still wet.. so am I. I sat on the chair next to the bed.

It's all my fault! Only if I didn't pulled her hand.. What if she'll have an amnesia?! Nah, that would never happen..

"I'm so sorry." I said while holding her hand when she moved a little.

"L-Louis?" She said then sat properly. She moved a little and gestured me to sit beside her. So I did.

"Kyree, I'm so sorry. Its all my fault.. I shou--"

"Nah, its the floor's fault." She smiled.

"What?" I said looking confused.

"Err.. you see, last time, when I'm with the girls inside the bathroom, I attacked the floor.. backwards! I have ninja skills." She said.. I laughed. "What's funny? It's true! Err.. I think the floor made a revenge and called her back ups.."

"You didn't attacked the floor. No one will ever do that." I said between my laughters. "You slipped on the floor. Don't deny."

"Pfft.. I prefer 'falling in style'." She winked.. Reminds me of Buzz Light year.. (wink)

"You really do have a wide imagination, eh?" I grabbed her waist and hugged her tight.

"Naah, I'm just creative." She chuckled.

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