423 21 2

3 am
april, 2022
new york.

A feeling of unease shivers up in Sebastian's spine.

He tries to ignore it by stepping on the gas pedal and feels his nerves calm down as he sees the needle spiking up on the odometer.

When a song comes on the radio, he turns up the volume upon recognising it.

The beats of the song rhythmically thump with his brain pounding against his skull from exhaustion and irritation.

Sebastian realises he doesn't want to go home. The manor doesn't even feel like a home anymore, only a humongous building housing broken shells of people who just happen to be related to each other.

He tries not to think back to the last time the manor had felt like his home. He is unable to recall a particular memory, because there is none.

He remembers only fragments, like a scene in a movie with inconsistent and quick scenes, and it all plays out to him, singing a terrible song.

His sister's return, his brother getting into med school, his father recording one of the twins' first steps, his mother's smile when she tells them about another sibling about to join them, pointing at her tummy when his little brother asks where the baby is.

Sebastian tries to ignore the choke in his throat and once, turns the volume to the radio up.

He feels his eyes weighing down, and wonders whether it would be okay to close his eyes just for a moment.

He doesn't see the figure until he almost hits them. He tries to press the brakes swiftly, but the sound of the car hitting the person makes him physically cringe.

He gets out of the car quickly and rushes to check on the person. The first thing he notices is how red the hospital gown the person is wearing is.

He kneels down, gathering up the limp body in his arms, takes note of the amount of blood and is surprised to find much of it already dry.

He checks for a pulse on both, the inside of the wrist and on the neck, and feels relief upon finding a faint heartbeat.

He quickly reaches for his phone and calls his brother. "When are you getting home," his brother answers immediately, but Sebastian cuts him off, "Get Nico up and ready the med room."

He knows Blake won't ask further and cuts the phone without further explanation.

He pockets his phone and instinctively pushes away the hair on the person's face to get a better look.

Sebastian finds his heart tremble in an unfamiliar way when he sees the young man's face.   


helllooooooooo how are you guys???

here is the prologue to the book. hope you enjoyed it!

what are you thoughts on the book? what are theories and speculations? lmk in the comments.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING

to all the re readers out there, please refrain from spoiling the series. no, not much has been changed from the previous storyline, BUT, there are significant changes so i appreciate a spoiler free comment section.

all spoilers will immediately be deleted!!!!

please dont forget to vote and comment :)

thank you for reading !

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