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I began floating up by gravity and a hand collapsed over mine, it was Rengoku, he pulls me to his chest and it happened so fast as we hit the ground. I coughed with a groan as I sat up, feeling my body to make sure no body parts were missing.

"Oh, Thank God." I sighed as I realized I was sitting on something hard. I looked down to see myself straddling Rengoku, I gasped.

"We made it!" He smiled gleefully, not even acknowledging the position we're in.

"Yeah..." I mumbled. I sat there for a few seconds more, unsure about everything. He didn't move or say anything, just smiled as he looks at me.

"We should, uh, go see the others." I say climbing off of him.

"Agreed!" He says standing up, lending me a hand. This made me feel really warm inside as we walked over to the first train car, that's where they should be. We finally found Tanjiro laying on the ground, looks as he been injured.

"I see you've mastered Total concentration, constant." Rengoku says leaning over him. "Impressive."

I leaned over him too with a smile. "Who stabbed you? I just wanna talk."

"Akari, Rengoku..." He says.

"After all, constant is the first step toward becoming a Hashira. Although, there might be 10,000 steps before you can become a Hashira."

"I'll do my best."

"You're bleeding from the abdomen. You have to concentrate harder and improve the precision of your breathing. Make your nerves reach every corner of your body. There's a blood vessel. A torn blood vessel."

He breathes heavy as he tries to concentrate. "Concentrate harder."

"Come on, Tanjiro." I say, getting on my knees and holding the sides of his face, he closed his eyes. "Concentrate."

"That's it. Stitch it. Stop the bleeding."

I can see more blood seeping through his uniform. "Tanjiro!" I say as he opens his eyes.

Rengoku touches his forehead. "Focus."

He grunts in pains as I see the blood stops, "Amazing."

"Great! Looks like you stopped it. You'll be able to do all kinds of things when you master breathing. Not that you'll be able to do everything, but you'll become a stronger version of yourself than yesterday for sure."


"Everyone's safe! There are hoard's of injured people but no one's life is in danger. Don't strain yourself. Take it easy and rest up."

My heart skips a beat as felt a rumble, another one is here, through the cloud of dirt. He had reddish, pink hair, muscular build, blue stripes. He's different from every single one I've seen. His eyes, his eyes read upper three! His gaze moved from Rengoku to Tanjiro as the ground erupted form underneath him. I covered him with my body but nothing came, I lifted my head up.

His split arm fuses back together. "Thats a fine sword."

I've never seen regeneration that fast before, he's an upper three for a reason.

"I can't understand why you'd go after a wounded person first."

"He could get in the way of the chit chat...of you and me." He says.

"What would you and I have to talk about?" He asked. "I'm meeting you now for the first time, but I already dislike you."

"Is that right? Well, I loathe weak humans, too. The sight of a weakling makes my skin crawl."

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