Insecurities Part 3; adam banks

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requested by @jspidey101   

warning: this talks about rape and for disclaimer, I am not trying to romanticize rape! this is just for the imagine so don't come at me.

You slowly faded into sleep that night, thinking about what it would be like if adam didn't say those words to you. It would obviously be better.

You woke up feeling a bit sick and had puffy eyes. You couldn't go to school like this! It would be a good idea to glow up maybe. You thought it would bring your confidence up so you picked your best outfit, trying to ignore the fact it showed some skin.

It would be hard to walk with the skirt you were wearing, but you felt pretty. You put some blush, highlighter, eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss to finish it up and ruffled your hair.

"Hey, Julie!" you said, grinning as your friend waved at you. "Hey! Someone's cheerful today," she responded, nudging your shoulder. You chuckled, half smiling. "Yeah. Maybe because it's Friday," you responded. Julie laughed and smirked.

"Do you maybe wanna go somewhere? I know you're sad about adam but maybe going out will help you?" Julie asked, smiling a bit. "Sure. We should go to the mall after school." I responded. "Good Idea!"

You and Julie sat at your usual lunch table, Connie decided to join you guys because she felt bad and all her friends were against her for some reason. "Jessica is being such a bitch right now." Connie scoffed. Connie was considered the 'popular' girl that played hockey but no one really noticed her because of her being one of the few girls that played a hard sport, but mostly liked her because of her looks. 

Julie gave you a look. "Oh." you both said, completely bored out of your guys' minds. This shit is so boring, I'd rather be doing some math right now you thought to yourself, secretly rolling your eyes at Connie.

"So, what happened to you and adam?" Connie asked, twirling her hair around. You snapped your head up and immediately got nervous. "Um, I'd rather not talk about it," you said, looking away. "Why? I promise I won't tell anyone about it," she said, smirking a bit. "He just- we just thought it would be better if we broke up. We just didn't fit together very much anymore." you lied. Connie rolled her eyes. "That's boring as fuck. I would think there would be way more drama since he's had quite an effect on you," she said, casually continuing to eat her salad. 

"W-what do you mean about that?" you asked, concerned. Julie's eyes traced from you to Connie, quickly getting more anxious. "Look, you don't think that everyone in this school notices how you hide behind your nerdy books every time adam walked past you? Or how you started actually dressing nicely as soon as adam asked you out?" Connie said, giving you a look. "Jessica told me how you looked in middle school, even showed me a picture. And, no offense but you looked like a fucking mess!" Connie busted out laughing as your face turned a deep color of red.

"Can you shut up for once, Connie? Jesus!" Julie exclaimed, making Connie shut up. "C'mon y/n/n, she's basically wasting our time at this point."

You followed Julie into the hall, trying to keep yourself from crippling into pieces. You could see adam watching, giving you those looks he used to give you when you guys were dating, like he was trying to ask 'What's going on?' with his eyes. You tried your best to not look at him, it would just make it harder not to cry.

"You okay?" Julie asked once you guys were away from all the people. You nodded, tears slowly starting to fill your e/c-colored eyes. you nodded, flashing a fake smile. You tried your best to swallow the lump in my throat but it just wouldn't go away. Sometimes, you just hate some people. "I-i'm fine." "You don't wanna eat your lunch anymore?" she asked. "No thanks, you can throw it out. I just need to stay here for a bit, alone," you said. She nodded, pulling you into a hug. Ok, now it was really hard to not cry.

Julie left, leaving her praises scattering around your head, but not enough to make you ignore how insecure you felt. Connie was right, adam was the only reason you really tried to make yourself look pretty. When you started dating adam, people would ask what it cost to date someone like him. Did it take you daily blowjobs for him to even talk to you every day? Was it a bet? You asked adam multiple times if he started dating you because of a bet, but every time, the answer was a simple 'no' with a kiss on the cheek. And every time, you believed him. You still do, of course. 

"Y/n?" a voice called out. It was soft but urgent, and very recognizable. Your knees were close to your chest as you sniffled every few seconds and your usually neat braid was a mess. "Yes?" you responded, not bothering to acknowledge the person. You heard light footsteps coming toward you and the smell of vanilla and cashmere filled your nostrils. The person leaned up against the locker next to you, slowly sliding down. 

"You seem cold. Here." the deep voice said, giving you a familiar scented sweater. "Thanks," you replied, wrapping the sweater around your arms. That was when you finally decided to look up. You were met with adam's ocean-blue eyes. You rubbed your red nose before quickly looking away, quite embarrassed. "I know I'm the last person you want with you right now, but I don't want you to have a panic attack," he said, looking at your fingers. It didn't have the birthday ring he gave you a few months back. He frowned lightly at the sight. 

You smiled at the thought of after all that happened, he still cared. "Did you throw your ring into the garbage or somethin'?" he asked. You laughed a bit. "No. It was too expensive to just throw away into a dumpster," you responded. Adam tried his best not to smile. "Where'd you put it then?" "In a box." "Cool."

"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened. But I need to tell you something about it." adam started.


"Rosie was the one that sat on my lap, and before you ask me why I didn't tell her to get off, she wouldn't. I tried to pry her off me b-but she somehow knew something about me. She blackmailed me." he said, looking like he was about to start crying. My voice turned soft and I forgot about how he cheated on me or said that shit to me. "What did she say?"

"I-I've never told anyone this before and I seriously don't know how she found this out but, when I was eight I got r-raped by one of my dads friends. And my dad, he just let it happen because that friend of his gave him three thousand dollars just so he could get me all to himself." adam broke down as soon as finished his explanation. You rarely saw adam banks cry. 

You hugged him tightly, whispering a bundle of sweet and soft praises.

"I love you, I got you." you whispered to him. "I know you do." he muttered before relaxing into your arms and crying a bit more.

a/n: last part of this imagine! 

1248 words.

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