The Sit-Rep

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The light shined over the table in the Cabin dining room, In walked Matthew, Talia, Marcus who carried in maps, Kendrick, and Samuel.

They made a circle around the table while Marcus started laying out the maps of the City, Land around the City, Subways, and drawn out areas they've been.

"Listen closely, I'm going to lay out the just of it, ask questions after I'm finished. Clear?" Marcus said very sternly looking at each one of the members in the room.

"Clear." They each said in staggered unison.

"Then lets get started." He said

Marcus had been in the military for a good couple years in experience of many sit-reps prior to the fall. During the fall of the military at the beginning of the outbreak he and his squad were one of the first wave of soldiers sent to fight against it.

After surviving a few days into the attack his squads hideout was ambushed by the monsters. He watched his squad, his Military Family, ripped apart by the Corrupted. His mind coped by continuing what he did best; Being a Soldier.

"The Main Goal is to find and note ALL weaknesses we come across against the deranged freaks." Marcus said with deep resentment towards the Corrupted.

"They are sprawled out all over the zone but the 'hive', or whatever you want to call it is around and in center of the City." He said tapping his finger on the part of the map where the city center was located.

"We will NOT be going there for any reason, not even for a hunch. Hanging around the outer city is where we will be, meaning we have to move camp every other night for the 7 Days we have to be there before we need to regroup and figure out a plan c." Marcus stated while using a red marker to cross out dead center of the city on the map.

"Kendrick, Samuel, Matthew, and myself will be going in. Now this is very important to remember so listen closely; 4 of us will be going in to keep it small and under the radar, but only 1 of us needs to make it back alive with any intel we collect." Marcus said with a very stern and sense of urgency in his voice looking each person in the eye.

"Any questions?" Said Marcus standing straight before crossing his arms.

The room was quiet for a moment.

"And The Man? What if we run into him?" Samuel asked with a quiet gritty tone.

Marcus looked at Samuel with a pause.

"You better pray you don't." Said Kendrick.

"Anything else?" Marcus asked looking to the rest.

"No? Then lets gear up for tonight, it's going to be a long walk." Stated Marcus before walking out.

Later that night 1 hour before departure.

The Four had suited up in similar dark themed gear, on their backpacks each of them had a different colored cloth tied to it.

Matthew had White, Samuel had Blue, Kendrick had Red, and Marcus had Green. Marking who was who.

Courtesy of Marcus, each of them had a Ruger M77 Bolt Action. With a decent supply of extra ammo of 7.62 bullets, and thanks to its intense stopping power its has become a must have when using fire power against Corrupted.

They each had their own set of knives for stealth and a hatchet for melee. They also had enough in all their backpacks to last them enough for the trip if they rationed correctly.

"Looks like were set." Said Matthew zipping his backpack shut.

"Take the time we have left to spend time with friends, some of us won't return." Suggested Kendrick closing the bolt on his rifle.

They nodded to each other before walking off to say goodbye.

Matthew found Talia on the porch of the cabin looking off at the rest of the group leaning forward on the rail.

He walked up and stood beside her, "We're all set for the trip." Matthew said looking to her as she nodded to what he said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I've been thinking about what Marcus said earlier, about only one needs to return for this trip to mean anything. I need you to promise me something." Said Talia looking up at Matthew.

"Promise me that you will be that one that returns, because I won't be able to keep going without you by my side." Talia said with her eyes tearing up and deep sadness in her voice.

Matthew wiped the tear from her cheek looking at her with guilt, "I promise. I will make it back alive." He said before exchanging a few heartfelt kisses.

"When you get back we are actually getting married for real." Talia said sniffling before hugging each other.

"Never forgot." Matthew said hugging her close.

They sat down on the porch, Talia laid against Matthews chest while they talked about memories and funny memories with family until he had to head out.

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