Chapter 1 (Annabeth's POV)

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The day before the quest... er, I mean, the trip, everything and everyone in the house was in full chaos.

Jason and Nico were rushing around trying to find all of their clothes since they decided to wait until the last minute to pack everything.

Travis and Conner stealing things from people's suitcases and then hiding them. Will was running around outside healing hurt animals and completely ignoring my calls to come inside.

Leo and Octavian were supposed to be packing but I haven't checked on them recently.... maybe Percy will check on them.

Oh, that's true, little voice in my head, Percy could check on them, but who will check on Percy? I'll do it just to save time. Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm Annabeth Chase. I'm seventeen and already have seven "sons" who range from ages nine to thirteen. My boyfriend is named Percy Jackson, perhaps you've heard of him?

Now, what was I doing? Oh yeah, making sure Leo and Octavian weren't killing each other.

I walked up to their room but halfway up the staircase, I heard a rather intense conversation.

"I don't care if you say you didn't because I know you did!"

"And why do you think that?"

"Because you were the only one who knew about it!"

"SO, that's not even close to a good enough reason!"

"Oh shut up, liar!"

"You shut up, stupid fat-head!"

"Ha, jokes on you, 'cause that didn't even make sense!"

"It didn't make sense to you 'cause you're stupid, STUPID!"

"Shut up and go to Tartarus!"

I chose that moment to burst into the room. Just in time too, for I found both boys rolling around on the floor, punching and kicking, yelling words they most definitely learned from Percy.

"Hey, cut it out, you two!" At my outburst, they both look up and I'm able to see their faces clearly.

Octavian looks completely furious and extremely embarrassed, while Leo looks very amused and slightly annoyed.

"What is going on?" They looked at each other and both started talking at once.

I only caught snatches of their complaints such as, "He told, just a girl, not a big deal, stupid, jerk," and then of course things just escalated from there.

"Hey shut up, it's not my fault you don't have the guts to talk to a girl," Leo laughs.

"But Leo, she wasn't supposed to know about it," Octavian protests, as his face turns a deep shade of red.

"Huh?" Suddenly it dawns on me that Octavian has a crush.

"Octavian likes this older girl named-" Leo's explanation was cut off by a very embarrassed 13-year-old boy jumping on him.

I sigh, pulling the two apart. "Ok, Leo stop teasing Octavian, Octavian stop attacking Leo, and both of you finish packing."

"Fine," they both mumble.

I walk out of their room to be greeted by the sound that haunts me.


I groan as I head downstairs.

Ok be honest, not hurtful but honest, and yes there's a difference, is this story bad or good? If you have suggestions just leave them in the comment section. If you like the story then comment and vote. The first five people who comment get a shout-out in the next chapter. Um, I think that's all so please check out my other stories and I will see you soon. (Hopefully) Anyway farewell, Oreos. ;-)


Edits have started to be made and honestly, I'm so much happier already. This story might not actually be completely horrible now. I've added Percabeth instead of... Whatever the Hades the previous thing was.

I'm planning to bring as many characters as possible into this fanfic. I haven't really written any PJO fanfiction in a while so this story (along with my other one) might be me getting the hang of things again.

At some point, I might be willing to bring reader characters into this, but I can't promise this will be updated often. My other stories seem to have more potential, more "fans" if you will, and I myself, like them a bit more.

I believe that is all for now, thus farewell Oreos.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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