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I get off the couch and walk upstairs to my room so I can get ready, I decided to put on a  crop top and some baggie jeans, for the shoes I chose brown converse.

Me and junior decided to march so he wore a plain brown t- shirt and also wore baggie jeans with brown converse.

I put on a little bit of makeup and we left, "are you exited?" I say as we walk outside to the car, "of course I am, I love the fair!" He say smiling.

We both get into the car and we sang along to every single song the driver put on, it felt like a fifteen minute drive.

We already had tickets so we were let in, we rode every scary rides and the ones that were for little kids, we got weird looks on those rides.

We also ate any type of food you can imagine at the fair and a lot if lemonade, junior also met a fee people that were a fan of his dad and him,

I had an amazing time, it was probably the happiest I've been since I came here, "Hey, we should do this more!" I say smiling, "a lot more," junior says.

We were startled by the fireworks that were set off behind us, "I love fire works," I say liking at them, ""so do I," he says putting his arm around me.

We watched the fireworks for like five minutes before the driver got here, "it's ten PM, your parents would kill me if I didn't bring you home before eleven o'clock."

Instead of singing the whole car ride we just talked, just about life and stuff that going on in our lives to see if one of us can relate to that.

I don't even know why we even started talking about that, I don't really like to talk about my family and stuff like that, When I get to know someone why would that need to know about my family?

Any ways, when me and Junior got home my uncle and his girlfriend tell that we were about to fall asleep any second now.

I went into my room to change and Junior changed in the bathroom, I just put on an oversized t-shirt and some random shirts I found, I wiped off my makeup and went on my bed.

Right when I was about to fall asleep I heard Junior walk in, I looked at him and he was wearing a t-shirt and sweat pants.

He later right beside of me and before I knew it, I was dead asleep, and so was Junior.

I had a dream about me and Junior, all grown up, we got married, we had two kids, it was a perfect family, until some rich person murdered our whole family.

I woke up sweating, I was panting and I was confused, it was four thirty in the morning, I guess I woke up Junior,
"Hey, what wrong!?" He says.

"Nothing, I just had a nightmare, no big deal," I say shrugging it off, "ok then, try to go back to sleep ok?" He say going back to sleep.

I try to go back to sleep but I just couldn't, I felt a hand go on my back, it was Juniors hand, he was rubbing my back.

"Valeria can you please get back to sleep?" He says like he's worried about me, "I will." I tell him, he obviously believes it.

The dream felt to real, I just couldn't get my mind off of it, eventually I drifted back to sleep and luckily didn't have another dream.

I woke up around eight in the morning, Junior was leaving at nine, I packed all his stuff up, it was a great weekend and I hope we could do this again.

I woke Junior awake, "Five more minutes," he says groaning, " I got your stuff ready no come on it's eight fifty" I say still shaking him.

Once he head this words leave my mouth he jumps up, put on his shoes and runs outside, the drive was already there.

"Bye Valeria, and thanks again." He says thanking me, "no problem" I say, he gets in the car and drive away, he is so sweet, I hope that dream comes true, not the killing part though.

Hi everyone!❤️❤️❤️ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And many more to come! Thank you south for reading this!‼️

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