The Betrayal and Heartbreak

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(Amelia POV)As I am walking to go meet up with Ajax I bump into Wednesday and she goes stiff almost falling to the floor but I was able to catch her in time. After a few minutes she comes back to reality. She looks at me and asked "Where are you headed off to right now?" "To go meet Ajax for our date why?". She gives me a sad smile and says "Ajax is really busy so we should hang out". I look at her and say "Maybe another time Wednesday me and Ajax have been planning this date for weeks. I smile at her and start walking towards Enid and Wednesday's dorm to ask Enid if she had the present I got Ajax. But when I got there the present was on the bed smashed. I did a tiny spell and fixed it after that I brushed it off and headed towards Xavier and Ajax's dorm. But when I get there I see Xavier, Bianca, and Wednesday waiting outside the door so I ask "What is going on why are you all out here". They all say quiet until the door opens to reveal Enid with a bunch of hickey's and messed up hair. I just thought she got into a fight so I brushed it off. But when I seen Ajax my smile dropped and my eyes started to tear up. Ajax did not see me there so when he says "Xavier can you cover for me when Amelia gets here and say that I am sick or something I do not have enough makeup to cover up the marks" "No need for the excuse" I say that's when Ajax finally makes eye contact with me Enid just stands there looking at me with a tiny smirk. I throw the present to the floor where it shattered "Happy one year Ajax". I then run to my dorm and start sobbing into my pillow and eventually cry myself to sleep.(Next Day)I walk into the quad and stand with Ajax, Enid, Xavier, Yoko, Wednesday, Kent, Divina, and Bianca. Everyone besides Enid look at me pitiful but I snap and say "Stop looking at me like that" they all look away immediately. I scoff and look down when Ajax's says "Look I know I made a huge mistake but I really love you Amelia and what I did was stupid and I swear if you give me another chance I will not mess up". I slowly look up and says "My answer depends on your answer" he looks at me weirdly but nods rapidly "How long" he looks at me confused "How long during our relationship were you sleeping with her" he looks down ashamed and mutters "2 months". I scoff and say "Why'd you sleep with her Ajax" he looks at me "I do not know" "Were you unhappy in our relationship" "No I just I do not know but I was really happy with our relationship". I look at Ajax and say "I can't be with someone who cheated on me for 2 months without knowing why". "Please I am so sorry I love you" He says "If you loved me you would never have done it". I look at Enid and ask "Why'd you do it Enid you were my best fucking friend why". "Is it not obvious I have liked Ajax for a long time and since you were dating him I thought that since we would never be a couple then I could sleep with him until you found out and broke up with him so now I can have him". I then take off my necklace that restrains my siren powers and ask Enid "Did you have a witch put a love spell on him for you" she says "Yes I did because I know that he is madly in love with you so he would never sleep with me so I took the easier route". Everyone glares at Enid and I tell Ajax "Maybe we can work it out but I need time to process this all" Ajax "Take all the time you need my love."

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