Show Me You Love Me

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(Amelia POV)As me and Ajax are in my dorm watching a movie. Whenever a explicit scene comes on Ajax grabs a pillow and puts it over his area so when I notice a scene about to come on I pause the movie and go get a water bottle but instead of going back to my side I sit right and his lap then grab the remote and unpause the movie. When the scene comes on he says "Baby can you get off of me I have to got to the bathroom" I get off of him pause the movie and go back to my side. When he comes back he is acting normal again so I say this "Baby I'm gonna go change into something more comfy" he smiles at me and I walk into my walk-in closet and go to the lingerie section and grab the one that says "Property of Ajax Petropolus" once that is on I go to my robes and put on a black silk robe that matches the set with the same words on it. Once I exit Ajax looks at me and asked "What'd you put on baby" I smile and go stand in front of him while I undo my robe once the bow is undone then I let it fall and do a little turn in the set and I see that he gets hard immediately I climb into his lap and start to grind on to his dick making him even harder if possible. I lean in to kiss him and we start to make-out after about 5 minutes of making out I pull away and he starts to kiss my neck while having me take off his shirt. Once his shirt is off I start to kiss down his stomach towards his pants and I smile a little. When I get to his pants I unbutton them and pull them down his boxer come down with them accidentally but it is less work so I do not really care. His dick springs back to hit his stomach. Once I finally grab his dick I start swirling my tongue on the tip and lick up and down on his cock. Then he looks down with begging eyes. So after that I start sucking his cock and deep throating his dick. Once I feel him twitch in my mouth I look at him through my eyelashes and see his eye roll back. After another 6 minutes he twitches for the last time as he lets out a loud groan letting his orgasm take over his body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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