Chapter one.

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Writers pov:

"Jade are you sure you can do this" Jade looked over to her best friend then back at the crowd. She could hear everyone saying her name over and over again.

"I have to, all these people bought tickets and I can't let them down" Jade hasn't done a concert in two months.

And so when her manager Jim let the media know that she'll be in Germany for a concert. Tickets sold out in minutes.

"Well go out there! Like you said it's only five songs" she nodded, then hearing her name being announced. She takes a deep breath, walking out with a big smile on her face.

Everyone cheered, yelling Jade's name. "Well it's been a while! I'm so happy to see how many people decided to come!" Everyone cheered louder.

"Sadly I'm only doing five songs tonight but let's make the most of it" Jade started singing the first song the band rehearsed.

Jade's pov:

Waving, I walked back stage trying not to cry. "Hey, hey Jade it's ok" I drink more water. "I know it's just hard"

The last time I performed live, I almost got stabbed. "Jade! Jim wants us to meet some people" I look over to see Ben waving me over.

I follow Ben to the back-back stage where we get ready. I couldn't see the rest of band so I'm guessing there with Jim.

"I found her" I look at the people in front of me and see that it's TOKIO HOTEL!! I look over at Jim with my mouth open.

"I like to introduce my main singer" Jim walks up to me putting his hands on the side of my arms. "It's nice to meet you Jade!" Bill says walking up to me with his hand out. "I-it's nice to meet y-you too" I say still in disbelief.

He smiles widely "She's a big fan" Jim says walking up to his seat. I looked over at the rest of the band and noticed Tom checking me out. I blush,

I know Tom has a reputation of being a player but he's still hot. "Umm where do I sit"

"Du kannst direkt auf meinem Schoß sitzen, Baby" The only thing I could understand was baby. Tom looks me up and down. Bill rolls his eyes, going to sit back to where he was.

"Here Jade" Bobby takes out a chair that was next to him.

Jim starts talking about some stuff that I didn't really care to listen. All I could do is stare at Tom.

His smile, his face, his eyes and his piercing has me weak in the knees. I think Tom could feel someone looking at him. He turns his head at me but I turn back to Jim acting like I'm paying attention.

I could see from the corner of my eye Tom smirking. I blush again, looking at the floor. How long is this going to take?

A/n: ok this is ass 😭 but I tried

I'm not sure where this is going to go! But thanks for reading! 😘

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