Chapter two.

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Jade's pov:

After talking with tokio hotel, Jim told my band to go and get ready for some party.

I tried to get out of going but Jim wouldn't take no for an answer. I walked out of my room, showing my best friend what I planned on wearing.

Olivia (my best friend) smirked, "Trying to impress someone tonight" I roll my eyes. I walked over to my mirror looking at all my curves.

"I wasn't planning on it" I turn to Olivia, "so when do I get to meet the guy your seeing" I walk over to my vanity, putting some rings on.

"Not anytime soon, I'm not sure about him" I rolled my eyes. Placing my sunglasses in my small purse. "Don't tell me your over him already" she looked away from me.

"Dude this the fourth guy this month" she walks into my closet, me following behind. I cross my arms. Olivia took a red dress off the hook.

"Well, I like to keep my options open" I pushed myself of the door frame. Walking over to my porch and grabbing my glittery black heels.

Jade are you seeing anyone right now?

Jade is it true that you are dating Tom Kaulitz?

Jade who is this woman with you?

I covered my face and took Olivia by her hand. "This is fame Jade" I walked in the club where I was supposed to meet Jim. "I wish I new that fame wouldn't allow me to have privacy"

I see Jim talking to someone in a booth, it was a one of those big circle booths. Me and Olivia walked up, my heart stopped.

There sat tokio hotel, I get to see them again! "Jade! You made it" Jim put his hand out in fort of him. I sit down next to Tom! I can't help but fan girl over him.

Tom smirked looking me up and down. "It's nice to see you Olivia"

"It's nice to see you too Jim" 

"And then Jade just fell, in the crowd" I rolled my eyes "I didn't fall. Someone pulled me"

It was very late and we were still at the club, telling embarrassing stories about each other. "Whatever it was still funny"

I felt a hand on my thigh, I look at Tom to see him talking  to Jim. I brushed it off and continued talking with everyone.

I could feel his hand travelling up to my upper thigh. I blush, pushing his hand away. I mean I just met this man hours ago. What is he doing? This is fucking weird.

He keeps trying to put his hand higher, but I keep pushing it down. I could tell he was getting annoyed by this.

"Olivia move, I got to use the bathroom" She moves from the booth so I can get out.

Walking in the bathroom, not seeing anyone. I walked over to the sinks. This was really happening?

'My 'celebrity crush' is in to me? But then again he is a player. So he might just want to get into my pants. And another big thing I just met this dude' I think to much.

I groan and push my hand through my hair. I open a compartment in my purse and take out some lipstick. I put a little bit more on, seeing that it was fading away.

I put the lipstick back. As I am deep in my thoughts, I hear the bathroom door open. I straighten up about to leave but then I realize it's not some random person.

"Tom you can't be in the woman's washroom" he looks back at the door then locks it. "Whoa there, what are you doing?"

"I'm just making sure no one walks in"

"Still doesn't explain but ok"

"I mean, it's kind of self-explanatory it would be weird for a guy to be in the women's restroom"

I look at him dumbfounded "it is weird that you're in here" his walks towards me. "Why aren't you throwing yourself at me?

I scratched my face,  "this is what you came in here for?" he shakes his head.

"And I mean, I don't just give myself to any guy" I kind of back up because of how close he was. "But I'm not just any guy"

Technically, you are but ok "But I just met you why would I throw myself at someone I just met"

He walks closer to me so now his face is so close to mine, "Don't you think I'm hot?"

That question totally caught me off guard. "Y-yeah but still"

He grabbed my face pulling it closer to his, "You are hard to get" now I'm confused. "What do you mean 'I'm hard to get'"

"Well, I talked to your friend and she said even though you think I'm attractive. You won't say it" I roll my eyes, of course Olivia is exposing me.

He let go of my face, leaving the bathroom. I let out the breath that I didn't realize I was holding. What the hell just happened? What the fuck was that? What is this man's problem?

I stood there for a few more seconds, still contemplating on what the hell just happened. I brush my dress off for some reason and I walk out.

A/n: this is absolute fucking shit 😭 I don't even know where this is going to go.

Ok byeeee 😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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