Put Me Down

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Nezuko POV
"Muichiro? What are you- hey let go of me!" I shrieked at the sensation of being lifted above the ground. Muichiro had one of his arms wrapped under the back of my knees and his other arm on my back, carrying me in a bridal position. I stopped protesting when I realized I wouldn't be able to walk the rest of the way home with my stupidly swollen ankle so I just let him do it.

"Nez you have to be more careful okay? What if I wasn't here today what would happen to you". Muichiro broke the silence with a lecture. That's right, how did he suddenly appear out of nowhere. Was he following me?

"H-how did you fall anyway?" he gazed down at me with timid eyes.

"I wasn't looking where I was going because Rui texted me asking me out"I answered pouting.

"Oh."Nezuko replied coldly. I looked up at him confused as to why his aura abruptly became dark and depressing when I noticed his defined jaw clench and his grip over me tightened. The sweat trickling down his temple to his neck showcased his pock veins slightly bulging. Uh oh I think I made him angry.

"M- Muichiro what's wrong?" It was my turn to stutter. He briefly made eye contact with me but looked forward again as we were still walking though the dense woods. His onyx mint green eyes were stone cold and absent of all warmth or light. I shivered at the look he gave me. Having gotten no response I decided to ask him another question, one that I was sure he would say no to.

"Were you following me?"

"So what if I was?"he snapped his voice laced with venom. Yep I definitely made him angry.
But what did I do?

At the time I didn't pay much attention to the fact that a guy was stalking me home. I was more worried about what he will do to me if I kept pushing his buttons. Sure ive known Muichiro since freshman year and we are juniors now but I have only started talking to the guy today. I don't know much about him. I don't know if he gets violent when angry, like my dad.

"M-Muichiro are you mad at me?" I shaked as I asked him. He cocked his head at me raising his eyebrows. I trembled under his gaze. Although I was freaking out on the inside I couldn't help but think damn I didn't know he had an alpha side to him.

"You're really enjoying this aren't you" he said chastising me. My jaw dropped at his deep velvety voice free of any stutter.

"You like being close to other guys even though it pisses me off. That Rui you're so fond of, I'm gonna rip his head off if you go on that date with him. And then I'm gonna come to you and do something so bad that it's gonna teach you who you belong to" Muichiro said without blinking giving me the feeling he actually means it.

My big crystal pink eyes widened and as I shuddered. I couldn't help but feel a little scared at his words. I had never been threatened before. I thought I was the one playing him. I had shy Muichiro wrapped around my finger in school but now I felt like I was at his mercy. My eyes began to burn as water slid out of them.

"N-Nezuko why are you crying?" Muichiro immediately halted his movements and stopped walking. Me being the big baby I am, once I start crying I can't stop. The water spilling out of my eyes became fiercer as I sniffled while looking at the dirt filled ground.

"I-I'm sorry Nezuko, I didn't mean what I said I was just a-angry for some reason. I would never hurt you" he pleaded begging for eye contact but I stayed pouting at the ground.

He took a deep breath sighing at the end. "I'm sorry if I scared y-you I have never gotten this mad before I swear" he added as he lifted me up from the bridal position and into his chest cradling me like a baby. I wrapped my legs around his torso and rested my cheek on his shoulder.

"I-it's okay. It's just that I get really scared when any male gets angry at me. It makes me feel like they are about to hit me, reminding me of my abusive dad that my mom and I put in jail last year". His aura made it easy to overshare my past. The heat radiating off his hard chest made me feel like I could trust him.

"Ah yes I heard about him on the news. You are so strong . It makes me want to protect you even more" Muichiro soothingly said as he brought his head at the crook of neck, inhaling my scent. Before I got to think anything weird about that,

"We're here" he chirped causing me to lift my head from his shoulder and see that we have arrived at my porch. The question, how did he know my address? I don't remember telling him, lingered on the back of my head.

He bent down and settled me down on the steps of my porch as he collided his knuckles with the door. It immediately swung open as I realized my mom must have been waiting for me.

"Young lady! You are so late-" she began but ceased looking at Muichiro dumbfounded. "You're not my daughter"she tilted her head in confusion. I laughed out loud.

"Mom I'm down here. That's Muichiro by the way. He helped bring me home since I hurt my ankle"I pointed at the purple bruise forming.

"Oh dear, Nezuko honey be more careful" she left the doorway and rushed to help me stand up.

"Then surely Muichiro deserves a few home made cookies and brownies for burdening himself with my careless daughter. Come in will you Muichiro honey"

I saw Muichiro turn his head to me, searching for my reaction.

"No thank you Mrs. Kamado. I should be getting home too and it looks like Nezuko just wants some alone time with you"he grinned. I was shocked at how well he could decipher my emotions.

"Hm okay then next time dear"mom patted his shoulder and disappeared inside our house. Muichiro and I were just staring at each other neither one wanting to break eye contact. Until he did.

"Well I better get going. It's getting late"he said as he rubbed the nape of his neck. But before he could walk past me and rescind down the steps, I stopped him.

"Muichiro come here"I grabbed his face in my hands, moved his long beautiful strand of hair out of the way and pecked his cheek, glancing to make sure I didn't leave a lip gloss mark. He ears went red but his face was left speechless. I felt giddy that I could make him react like that.

"W-what was that for?"

"My thank you for helping me out"I giggled as I stepped inside my house giving him a small wave.

Before I could close the door I saw him wink at me and I giggled again knowing the courage he had to gather for that little act.

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