Get in the closet

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( This is getting a little spicy)

Nezuko POV

I was bombarded with the sight of a gorgeous pair of crystal pink eyes belonging to a certain long black to mint green blue-haired guy standing in the center of my bedroom, toned arms folded.

I relaxed my frame and let myself breathe, not realizing that I was holding my breath rigidly.

"Muichiro! What the hell are you doing in my room? You scared me so much" I scolded him, not particularly angry, just irritated that my sleep was cut short so abruptly. He just raised his eyebrow as her only response. He then began to move towards me where I was standing. Before he could do or say anything else, Muichiro lifted his large hand and gently placed it on my... bust.

"I-I w-what are u-u doing" I was a nervous wreck, metaphorically steam could be coming out of my ears if possible.

"Oh, your heart is really beating. I didn't want to scare you. I just wanted to check on you since you didn't come to school today," he answered innocently, his eyes holding no hint of perverted intent. I sighed as he held onto his wrist to lift his big hand off my big chest. I left it in the corner by my bookcase as I walked over to sit on my bed.

"You didn't have to come all the way here just to see me. I can take care of myself. And you sure made a lot of noise doing it," I muttered the last part.

"I told my mother that she was in too much pain to go to school. Which is a lie. Besides, it's a Friday anyway, I can use the three days to recover and start over on Monday." I explained to him as he stood looking at me with his 5'7 height. His eyes darted down my leg to scrutinize my bandaged ankle. Realizing that I was only in a Calvin Klein sports bra and adidas shorts, I began to feel heat from his eyes roaming my body. He went from my legs to the discoloration marks around my bare waist, looking at them hard.

"What are you doing here anyway? Don't tell me you dropped out of class, sir." I tried to break the tension as she unconsciously cooled my burning cheeks with the palms of his hands. He eventually went from rooted to the ground to sitting next to me on my bed. Thank God. Anyway, I was getting tired of him towering over me.

"It's 12:40. I'm on my lunch break" Muichiro just shrugged. On the other hand, I patted myself and mentally scolded myself for sleeping past noon.

"But I wouldn't mind leaving class for you," he says with no facial expression. At least he surprised me. Has this quiet boy just implied that he wants to skip school to stay with me? Whoa.

"Hell. Muichiro, you have to leave before lunch is over and attend class. Man, you're starting to sound like Sekido and Rui." I froze. My mind went back to what happened the last time I mentioned Rui to him. I glanced at him warily to see him holding a simple expression, his eyes clear of anger. I visibly relaxed a bit.

"Here. I brought all the work," he said, taking some papers out of his bag and handing them to me. "And these are the notes I took. Since you missed all the lessons, I wrote down everything you need to know," he finished effortlessly as if he hadn't saved my ass.

"Wow, thanks, cutie," I reached over to stroke his beautiful soft long hair. Remind me to ask him what shampoo he uses.

I was too in awe of his color-coded, ordered notes to watch his cheeks change color. He was flipping through the pages when he cleared his throat as if he was pulling himself together.

"You know you could have come today. I'd help you walk to class. We've got the same ones anyway," he said wistfully. Aw, his stuttering is back, I must have triggered it somehow. I felt a bit bad since Muichiro is a total loner, he probably missed me being at school I thought.

"Oh no thanks. You don't need to do that for me." I responded without realizing how bad it sounded until it was too late. Muichiro stiffened next to me and looked at me coldly.

"If you don't want people to see me around you, you should have said that in the first place," he spat. My eyes widened guiltily as he carelessly dropped the papers onto my sheets. Why I say that?

I caught him clenching his fists until his silent knuckles turned white. Feeling extremely bad for hurting his feelings, I jumped on his lap without thinking. I wrapped my legs around his torso and wrapped my arms around his neck along with his long hair.

"Don't be mad, please. That was a very bad thing to say. I'm not ashamed to be around you in public. I don't care what people think. I would choose you by my side over all of them any day" I said with my face on his chest, doing everything possible to fix my mistake.

I felt his heartbeat accelerate dramatically at my actions. But I didn't have time to think maliciously, as I was worried that I had given him the wrong idea. Suddenly, Muichiro stood up with me still cradling him. I felt him walk until my back hit a wall. Muichiro then placed one of his arms next to my head restraining me while the other held me securely against his waist.

He started looking at me like he ate everything. Muichiro took a ragged breath before saying, "Nezuko, you make me act like a sensitive girl at your time of the month. You really should stop hurting me." I finally looked up at him only to see him wince at me. My cheeks instantly flushed red from both his lips and our position.

Before I could breathe a sigh of relief at successfully clearing up the misunderstanding, my ears perked up at the sound of rather loud footsteps heading our way. I quickly tried to get out of Muichiro, but failed as he rammed me further into the wall.

"Muichiro! Leave me!" I whispered to him that he yelled at the cunning face of him. "Why? I like to stay like this", his eyes innocently contracted with confusion.

"My mother is coming, idiot!" I whispered to him some more before he widened his eyes and pulled me out of his body.

"Nezuko honey, are you awake? It's past noon, you have to get up now," my mother said from the other side of the door, fumbling with the doorknob. I smartly closed it when Muichiro arrived, just in case.

"Yes mom, I'm awake!"

"Well then open the door right now, why is it locked anyway?" Her puzzled voice replied. I immediately grabbed Muichiro and shoved him into my closet before fixing myself and then opening the door.

My mother confronted me, all previous suspicion gone when she scanned my empty room. "Very good honey, come down quickly, I made crepes and I have some news to tell," she chirped, followed by her frame retreating from her. "Below!" I called as she quietly closed the door. I looked at the clock on my wall to see that it's almost 1. I then ran to my closet and slid the door all the way for Muichiro to get out.

As soon as I laid eyes on him, his flushed cheeks turned crimson as he stood stiffly there with his hands in his pocket. Confused as to why he was blushing, my brown eyes zeroed in on the array of lacy panties and lingerie I've displayed that was sitting right next to Muichiro's head.

I figured it out and I'll get it out of there. "Muichiro's lunch is ending, you have to go back" I composed myself and started to push him towards the window.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. I'm going to," he said not looking at me as he eased himself through my window.

"Hey, be careful, it's okay" I squeezed his bicep, I couldn't help but look down the height of the two stories. He flashed me a toothy smile and didn't forget to wink before disappearing completely.

I scoffed. Which turned into a small smile.

"Why does he have like 6 different personalities?" I rolled my eyes.

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