A Flash in the Light: Interlude

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Quinn, Fey, and Kurumi sit on mismatched black office chairs while holding microphones to their mouths. The camera shakes a little while Kurumi pokes the metal top of the microphone.

"Hey wait a minute, these things are fake!"

Quinn and Fey turn to the camera and hold up their microphones. "Hey hey, Quinn here! Thank you so much for reading this far into the story! Over one hundered thousand words though, I must say that's a lot."

Fey nods in agreement. "Agreed. That's a lot of text."

Quinn puts her hands on her hips and gives Fey a pouty look. "Fey, can't you be more hyped up about this? We're actually going to be exploring the author's workplace today!"

Kurumi clears her throat, an uncomfortable look on her face. "You two, let's get this over with. Ugh I can't stand being in this cluttered room. It's making my nose- itch! Achoo!"

A voice comes from behind the camera

"Umm... you DO know I'm standing right here right?"

Quinn looks over to the camera and cocks her head. "Yeah? So what?" The camera turns to Kurumi and she slides a pair of reading glasses onto her face before pulling out a clipboard filled with notes.

"Okay so let's see what we have here... What are these lines? Who wrote them?"

Fey glances over to Kurumi. "Kurumi, I didn't know you wore glasses."

Kurumi flushes in embarrassment and her glasses comically fall off her face and into her lap. "I-I don't! This is just for aesthetics and to make myself look more presentable for the audience. You know, someone of my status has an image to uphold."

Fey slowly spins around in their chair. "You're not fooling anyone, Kurumi. But keep the glasses on, they do make you look more intelligent."

Kurumi pauses before picking up the glasses and putting them on. "I look plenty intelligent without them..."

Quinn holds up her microphone and looks at the camera. "Anyways, we're here to shed some light as to what the author's workplace looks like! It's important to have a comfortable yet professional place to work in order to maintain a professional work ethic... of course I have no idea what that means- Fey, what are these lines you wrote?"

"The audience will know. Moving on-" Fey gestures to the camera and the lens begins to scan the office around them. It pans over a half-painted white desk with its surface covered with loose papers, empty water glasses, and random collectables. Fey looks around the room along with the camera and analyzes their surroundings. "It seems like this is a place of recreation and not one for work. It's messy, cluttered, and a bit dusty. It also seems that the author sleeps in the same room that they work. That's not healthy."

The camera tilts for a moment.

"N- Not all the time! Just on the weekends sometimes, I have another bed where I do most of my sleeping!"

Fey points to the camera. "Hey, mind the recording. The audience needs a clear picture of the room that we're in. And you're just a camera operator, you're not allowed to speak."

"Kurumi looks around the room in disgust. "This place is hideous... A complete lack of a common theme, it's not color-coated at all, and most of all it's a dump! When can we leave?"

Fey nods. "Agreed, this place is akin to my old house before I moved in on campus."

"Okay, that's taking it a little too far..."

Quinn puts her finger to her lips. "Shhhh, you can't talk, remember?"

Fey walks over to the unmade bed and sits on the mattress. They bounce a few times on the soft surface and shift their weight. "So it seems like a few of the wooden slats that were holding up the mattress have been broken and now the mattress rests partially on a box that has been haphazardly stuck underneath the bed. Quinn, what are your thoughts on this?"

"Hmmm... it seems rather uncomfortable to be sleeping on an uneven mattress all the time..."

"I told you that I don't normally-"

Fey and Quinn both put their fingers to their lips. "Shhhh!"

Fey turns to Kurumi and holds the microphone up to their mouth. "Kurumi, what do you think about sleeping on an uneven mattress?"


Fey turns back to the camera. "There you have it folks, the workplace of the author. Next time, we'll be covering the topic of why a college student still sleeps with stuffed animals." Fey strokes a large orange plush moth with one hand while speaking. "Until next time!"

Quinn waves to the camera. "Bye bye!"

Kurumi blows her nose into a tissue and turns to face the camera lens. "Wait, is the camera still rolling?"

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