Whaaat BULLIES!?

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Soarins POV

I ate breakfast when Dash came upstairs,then she sat down by me and kissed my cheek I kissed her back. After breakfast I went to go practice. It felt kind of awkward because Spitfire started glaring at me for some reason and kept talking about me to the others. "Hey! Stop!" I said to her,"Even thought I was your first love doesn't mean you have to give me the 'look!'" She yelled back," U DONT CARE I LOVED YOU!! IM NEVER LETTING GO!!!!!" I think Dash heard because she flew over and comforted me I felt warmth and happiness at the time. We went back home for a little bit and I was going over flight routines when Dash told me to pick up the kids.

When I flew over to the school I saw some of my old friends I tried to ignore them,they grew up to be wierd. I saw the kids and some of their friends I went over to hear screaming and yelling the kids were being BULLIED!! I flew over right away. " Stop being so weird losers!" Said a blue colt "You are such a weirdo your so "blue"!" He called back to my diughter. I can over to the colt and he immediately stopped he obviously knew who I was. "Hey stop that right now!" I yelled "Ehat if she did that to you?" The little colt said,"I would cry." "Is that what my little girl is doing tight now? Yes! Apologize now!" The colt apologized and flew away. My daughter,Blue Lightning was crying so u carried her home. She told me that he was a knew bully at school and was a mean guy but I don't care, I just want my daughter safe and happy, so I did a funny face and made her laugh. When we got home I put her on her bed and kissed her. (sorry the story I so dull I have like no ideas right now sooooo yeah. bye guys!) and

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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