Chapter 16: Chaos

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Chapter 16: Chaos

The news anchor's voice quivered with both excitement and trepidation as the helicopter hovered above the city, capturing the awe-inspiring sight of Jaguar tearing through the streets at an astonishing speed of 140 kilometers per hour. The live feed spread like wildfire, dominating every television channel, leaving viewers perplexed and captivated by the enigma that unfolded before their eyes.

"Good heavens, ladies and gentlemen! I can't believe what I'm witnessing," the news anchor exclaimed, struggling to maintain composure amidst the chaos. "We have an unidentified figure, clad in an impenetrable suit, moving with unparalleled speed through the city streets! Citizens and authorities alike are left in utter disbelief."

As the news broadcast permeated the airwaves, an employee of Nero, panic etched on his face, barged into Nero's room. Nero glanced up, intrigued by the employee's distress.

"What's the matter?" Nero asked nonchalantly, unaware of the imminent threat that loomed over him.

The employee stammered, his words rushed and filled with anxiety. "Sir, you need to switch on the news immediately. There's something happening out there—a figure, like nothing we've ever seen before. It's chaos on the streets!"

Nero's curiosity piqued, he reached for the remote control and flicked on the nearest television. His eyes narrowed as he watched the live coverage, his expression a mix of intrigue and calculation. While uncertainty gnawed at him, he remained composed, unaware of the true power and purpose of the relentless force known as Jaguar.

"Guards," Nero called out, his voice laced with a hint of caution. "Remain at your posts. We must ensure our defenses are ready for any eventuality. We cannot underestimate this unexpected turn of events."

The guards nodded, their senses heightened as they comprehended the gravity of the situation. They braced themselves, ready to protect their leader and the empire he had built, even as the unknown figure known as Jaguar roamed the city, leaving a trail of confusion and awe in its wake.

Little did Nero know that the city trembled under the weight of Jason's determination, as he drew closer to the heart of Nero's empire, his mind focused on avenging his parents and bringing an end to the reign of darkness that had plagued his life for far too long.

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