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we all met when we were kids. but became close in high school.

i woke up to stripe blasting music, presumably to wake me up. i turned to my side covering my ears with my pillow. i hated sharing a room with stripe.

he jumped from the top bunk and started shaking me.

"bandit~ wake up~"


"bandit come on- i've been trying to wake you up for like 10 minutes. moms gonna be pissed."

i let go of the pillow and sit up. i am not a morning person. i grab whatever clothes was closest to me from off the floor and went to the bathroom to get dressed.

this was our routine. stripe woke up, then would wake me up, and then i'd tell rad who was usually already awake to get ready. we started this when i started in middle school and stuck.

after getting dressed, i head to rads room, knocking then entering. i walk in to him on his bed hitting his bong. he got high every morning. he said it was the only thing that helped him get through the day or whatever.

"get ready." i say then close the door and head to the kitchen. stripe is already sitting at the island, eating waffles with an insane amount of syrup.

i grab the almost empty cereal box, pour it into the last clean bowl in the cabinet that was left open. i opened the fridge to grab the milk, pour it in the bowl, and put it back. as i was eating, rad walked out of his room to the kitchen, and with him came the pungent smell of weed.

"any left?" he said, lazily pointing at my bowl.

"nope." i finished the bowl and added it to the mountain of dirty dishes in the sink.

rad groaned, grabbing his backpack and heading for the door. stripe followed quickly afterwards, so did i.

our friend pat would pick us up from our house and bring us to school. he's in college but always has time to drop us off. he is one of rads best friends so me + stripe became friends with him too, we're a packaged deal.

on the drive to school, pat and rad talked while me and stripe sat quietly in the backseat. i looked out the window watching the trees pass us by.

when we arrived at the school, chilli was waiting for us at the tree in front of the entrance. she was leaning against it, reading a book. we got out of the car and i watched pat drive away, rad ran up to chilli and ruffled her short brown hair.

"hey chi! miss us?"

"not really" she said under her breath while trying to fix her hair.

"aw come-on you love us~" said stripe trying to help her fix her hair.

"let's just go we're going to be late" she batted away stripes hands and lead us inside. she was definitely the most mature one out of all of us.

while walking i saw fido, i would've called him over but he was already going to his class. we usually walk as a group and drop off each-other to our classes. chilli was the first to go, her class was at the end of the first floor. my class was on the second floor so stripe and rad went to their classes on the third floor together.

my first two classes were boring, i was zoned out during both of them. i don't even remember getting to my second class. but for my third class i shared it with chilli.

we sat together, taking out our books.

"how were your first two classes?"

"honestly, don't remember" i answered, frantically looking for a pencil in my bag.

"here." she passed one of her mechanical pencils. they were some of the more expensive ones, my family would never buy them.

i thanked her and tried my best to pay attention to the class. i hadn't slept super well last night. as the class progressed i kept falling asleep, thankfully, chilli was there to keep waking me.

finally, the bell rung. lunch time.

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