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lunch was always fun, chilli buying us lunch, tackling each-other, planning what we'll do while skipping, etc...

on the way to our usual spot, which was an old bench placed in the small woods behind the school, i was pushed around by everyone else who is done with this school. there aren't even that many people at our school (about 250) but the hallways at lunch are always full.

i caught fido in the hallway and we walked the rest of the way together. when we got there rad and stripe were already there. i guess i'd lost chilli in the crowd because she was no longer behind me. probably caught in the crowd.

"hey! there they are!" stripe said, sitting on the table part of the bench.

rad looked up and smiled at us. we sat down at the table talking about our classes and how boring they were. normal high school stuff.

at some point stripe had noticed chilli coming over, finally, but someone was with her.

"who..?" stripe started.

"no idea." rad finished.

"hey guys!" chilli greeted us while the girl we'd not yet met hid herself behind her.

we all said hi, staring at the stranger.

"this is frisky! she's the new girl. i was told to show her around and stuff. and i thought i'd introduce her!"

"nice to meet you guys." the girl peaked out from behind chi, awkwardly smiling and waving. she spoke quietly, seemingly nervous. cute.

"uh, come sit down!" rad got up from where he was sitting, offering his seat.

as frisky went to sit down, rad elbowed stripe telling him to sit down properly. i'd never seen him act like this before. does he... no... he likes her? my aroace older brother thinks someone is pretty? oooh how i'm going to tease him.

"what year are you in?" fido asked, his head resting on his hand, genuinely intrigued.

"i'm in my second year." she seemed to already be a little more comfortable.

"oh me too!" i said, i hadn't seen her yet but then again i didn't know whether she had gone to any of her classes yet.

"must be hard, switching in the middle of the year." stripe added, fidgeting with the ring he had on his finger.

"yeah, it's hard... but i got pretty good grades in my last school so im sure it will be okay!"

"yes, you will be perfectly fine. we'll help you with whatever you need! even though stripe is younger, he'll find a way" chi said, smiling at her and holding her hands. chi was big on physical touch.

i don't know why but i looked at rad. his smile was big and cheesy. i've never seen him like this, to be honest, i didn't know he could be. he had never shown genuine interest in anything before and found out he was aroace. he told me + stripe that it doesn't mean he will never love anyone but for him it's just rare.

i am glad though.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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