Xin x Zel

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Xin was never really a fan of Zel to say, He always avoided him given the fact he was obsessed with him head to toe. Zin never got any personal space when he was around Zel, Charlie or Rainbow. They all bothered him like pesky little flies looking for food. Tonight Zin was on the verge of offing all 3, it hadn't been the first time and it definitely won't be the last. Gwen was always the one to calm him down, i mean she was smarter than the 3 idiots who didn't understand the meaning of 'leave me alone'.

Zel was the only one Zin hated more than Rainbow, he couldn't tell you the amount of times this man has held him captive with his little ghost, Charlie helping him every step of the way. Zel tried absolutely everything to get Zin to fall for him but nothing worked. As usual, in the dead of night Zel had sneaked into Zin's room for the slight chance that he would be asleep. Charlie couldn't be bothered, she was already snuggled up in bed and sleeping. Rainbow had fallen asleep on the couch after eating to much cake frosting, as usual.

Zel swiftly snuck into his room and hopped on the bed, Zin was already sleeping by then, Zel started to think of what other things to do in the morning as part of his master plan to win Zin's heart, This train of thought was interrupted by the meowing of Zero, Zin's robot cat, Zero quickly adjusted his settings and spoke in a surprisingly deep voice."Well whatcha' doing here?" He questioned, "Oh, you know what i normally do?", Zel replied unsurely "Here's a deal lil boy", continued Zero", If you get me some food from ol' Miss Marlyn, i wont say shit.", Zel thought about it for a moment, it was a good deal but old Miss Marlyn was notorious for her death traps, she would only give you food if you managed to survive, you die just once and your never welcome again.

"Alright then, its a deal", Zero smiled at this, "Very well", replied Zero sleepily as he slowly dozed off.

Zel then made himself comfortable on Zin's bed and was off to sleep not long after, not knowing what the morning held for him

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Zel then made himself comfortable on Zin's bed and was off to sleep not long after, not knowing what the morning held for him.

In the morning, Zin was awoken by his spoilt cat, Zero had a tendency to wake him up when Zel was in the room, even if he promised not to tell. The moment Zin opened his eyes, Zero was off to eat breakfast, Zin sighed as he grabbed a cigarette off the table and lit it, he looked over to Zel he looked really cut- wait what?! Zin got the stupid thoughts out of his head, he had had enough of the constant poking and prodding by all 3 of those stupid idiots, Charlie was the most tolerable but she still helped Zen through thick and thin.

Zin looked over to Zel again, he felt different, usually, he would normally look at him in anger, but something changed, you could even say Zin thought he was 'cute'
Word count:554

Thanks for reading ill continue this later bcuz others. I know most of my characters names have z in them but bear with me pls


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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