Pilot Chapter

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I opened my eyes. It was all blurry. I wanted to rub it but my hand won't move.

Then I slowly jerked it, only to realize that my hands are tied up in shackles.

I panicked. I decided to get up and use force. But then my legs won't move either.

I looked at myself and then around me.

I am in same clothes as I was wearing yesterday before I passed out. But then I saw a group of people around. A few were seated on the couch, one was standing on the side with a bottle of wine in his hand and smirking at my plight, another one was taking off his clothes while looking at me with a lustful expression on his face.

"L-Let me g-go." I stuttered. But in that closed room, with loud music, and all these animalistic people with lustful eyes, nobody even flinched with the hoarse voice that left my dry throat.

I struggled trying to break-free.

I knew before I came here, that I will have this destiny, but to know and to accept are two different matters.

The guy who was now out of his shirt, proceeded towards me. The other one also poured his wine in his mouth holding his bottle high up and then spit on me.

The others on the couch laughed like it was some sick joke.

My wrist has started to sprain and my legs are bleeding because of the ties of chain strangling me more and more with each trial of trying to break free.

"P-please... Let m-me..."

"Tsk. You have been sold to us my dear." The shirtless guy sat beside me and shook the chains tied to my hands making it tighter. I felt like I will die with the pain. My whole body was trembling. My whole body is partially wet because of the heat and partially because of the wine. My clothes were already torn since yesterday and so now I am almost naked.

My eyes are teary but my plight is delightful to these guys.

The guy left the chain and his hand extended towards me. I pulled back my head as much as I could with my tied up body.

"Hahahaha, are you thinking you can save yourself from us?" He laughed. "You are too cute."

Then his expression changed. Laugh gone. And his eyes turned animalistic when he scanned my body from bottom to top. He again smirked crookedly while licking his lips.

This time when his hand extended, I knew I had nowhere to go.

I closed my eyes and trembled in fear.

But just as I thought I it was the end, I heard the sound of the door opening.

"Master?" The guy beside me said and got up. All the other people seated on the couch got up too. The drunk guy who has spit on me was almost out of his shirt, but he quickly wore his shirt back looking towards the door.

I strained my eyes to focus and saw a group of guys entering the dimly lit room with a tall guy walking ahead of them all.

The light wasn't enough for me to be able to look at the face of the guy whom everybody called master.

"Are you guys aware of whom you have brought here?" One of the guys who were behind the master spoke. "He is Master's property."

The guy beside me gulped so loud that I could hear it. His hand started trembling.

"M-m-mas-master..." He was stuttering.

The other guy whose shirt was now buttoned up to the collar button, took steps behind till he bumped into the wall where I was tied up.

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