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"Good evening Sir." The butler greeted Mr. Narong who nodded slightly reading his newspaper. "Dinner is ready." He said.

The old guy slid his glasses down his nose and looked at the table which was served with many dishes and to the side he saw his wife Phensri already looking at him with tense expressions waiting for him to join the table.

He kept the paper aside and nodded to the butler and went to sit beside his wife in the central chair in his usual cold aura.

Phensri nodded to the butler who started serving the dinner.

Narong looked around with narrowed eyes and saw the chairs empty. He turned to look at his wife who gulped fearing the obvious.

But Narong knew better not to ask the old woman about their grandsons. It was useless. She will always try to cover up for them.

"Kiat." He called his butler who nodded. "Where is everyone else?"

"Sorry grandpa." Ploy came running downstairs adjusting her hair. She ran towards the dining table making her jacket fall on ground from her hand.

"Oops, sorry." She picked it up hurriedly and stood up tucking her long black hair behind her ear with a nervous smile before she nodded to both the people on the table. "Grandpa, grandma, good evening."

Phensri shook her head disappointed while frowning. "This is how a would-be daughter in law behaves! I am not sure what the future will hold." She mumbled agitated.

Ploy pressed her lips knowing well she blew up. She wanted to impress her but instead she made it worse. "I am sorry grandma. The shower in the guest room was not working properly, it took me a bit of time to get ready and come."

Narong looked at her and then at Phensri.

Phensri tensed. "What? They are not yet married I can't allow her to be in his room."

Narong pressed his lips in frustration. "Did he sleep in his room is the first question." He taunted. "Anyway. He is hopeless. What about the younger one?"

"Ummm..." Ploy interrupted while Kait served her plate. "Grandpa he has exams going on. So he is staying at his friend's."

"NONSENSE!" Narong threw his fork and knife on the plate and got up. "Talking about future are we?" He asked his wife who was not even daring to meet his eyes.

Ploy smirked at Phensri's state and pressed her lips quickly to get serious.

Narong glowered at Phensri for a moment longer and then got up. "Kait. I will not have dinner here. Bring it to my study. I am done with this hopeless family." Narong said and walked away.

Phensri shook her head and frowned. She then started having her meal slowly. Ploy was already digging in her food with her mouthful.

"What is the point of having you here if you cannot control him?" Phensri said.

Ploy gulped the food quickly. "S-sorry grandma." She said wiping her mouth.

Phensri glowered at her but then decided to ignore and finish her meal. Once done she got up leaving Ploy to continue eating like she always does. Shaking her head, she walked out of the huge dining room and took out her phone to call her grandsons. But none of them picked up.

"I am also worried about their future Kittisat." She mumbled looking at her deceased son and his wife's photo.

Guilt taking over her.

Kait saw her once and then walked over to the study.

"Any news?" Narong asked.

"They are not picking up her call as well." He said.

Billionaire's Prostitute - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now