- Nine -

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"Oh my god, Dome!" Nanon rushed towards Ohm when he saw him outside the restaurant they usually dined in together. He was shocked to see the bandage on his shoulder and hand. "What happened to you?"

Ohm was still stuck on his argument with his grandfather about the shoot-at-sight order and the self-killing of their own lackeys.

He was not in his usual mood. And most of all he was worried about what will happen if they will find Nanon red-handed.

He looked up at Nanon. Nanon was taken aback with his intense gaze.

Ohm stood up from the chair and nodded to Theo behind. Nanon turned and saw a black limousine behind him. He gaped and turned to Ohm confused.

Ohm gestured him to sit in the car but Nanon stood still.

"Get in the car Nanon. I need to talk to you." Ohm said in a dead serious tone.

Nanon frowned but he had no reason not to trust Dome especially after he saved him and took a bullet instead.

So he got into the car and Theo who was holding the door open for him smiled and closed the door after helping Ohm into the seat.

Nanon gaped at the interiors of the royal car and then at Ohm. "How can a warehouse worker drive in such a car?" Nanon asked Ohm frowning.

Theo peeked from the rearview mirror but when he saw Ohm glowering, he focused on his driving instead.

Ohm took a deep breath and leaned forward to look at Nanon in the eyes. His face was dull yet scary. And especially his eyes.

"Why are you looking for the Master?" He asked.

Nanon frowned in confusion.

"Do I need to tell you the reason?"

"Yes." Ohm replied sternly.

"Why?" Nanon leaned forward meeting his eyes.

"Because it might be dangerous for you." Ohm said.

"As if I don't know that already." Nanon scoffed.

Ohm pulled him from his neck and made him look into his eyes. Their faces were inches apart. "Listen. It's no joke. Every minute, every second, your life is in danger. Even right now, depending on your answer, you will be able to see the day light or dark sky."

And then Ohm took out the pistol from the side compartment and pointed at Nanon's head. Nanon saw that the hand movement made his shoulder bleed even through the thick bandage but Ohm's face did not even flinch. Like someone gave him an anesthesia and he can't feel his body pain.

Nanon met Ohm's eyes. He was now terrified of the unyielding gaze in front of him. He gulped.

Nanon saw the little movement in his Adam's apple and slowly left him.

Nanon was now sweating with fear. He never knew that getting into an expensive car which had tinted glasses and such a strong co-passenger, can be so dangerous.

He could die in this car and no one would know. He can try to jump out but as soon as Ohm's pistol came out, Theo's accelerator skyrocketed making the so fast that there was absolutely no way to even see the passing vehicles clearly.

"Wh-who are you exactly, Dome?" Nanon braved asking still not wanting to answer.

Ohm smirked and scratched his head with the pistol.

"This is not a place where I answer questions." Ohm chuckled. "But since it's you who is asking, I'll answer. The name is Ohm, not Dome. It's Delta Ohm."

Billionaire's Prostitute - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now