( chapter 16 ) part 3

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We walk on the road because James saw paws of a animal *it looks like dog paws*says James . I look at them *they kinda do*I say *do they have a dog*asks James *I don't know let's follow it*i say . It is 24 minutes later *maybe we should get back*says James *shut up*i say . We hear some kid screaming *come*I say . We run where it is coming from . We stop with walking , we see a big house with fences around it *do you think*says James *this it , let's go tell the boss*i say

(In the night)
Pov fallen
I see william holding my mothers hand *push mell you can do it*says william

William might not be as bad as I thought , he might be actually good for her . I knew my mother didn't forget my father but she is good at hiding it . I think I can accept my father dead , and accept william . He's a good guy , my father would like him . My father would probably say "fallen give him a change you might be surprised how nice people can be" . He said that once when I hated someone for bullying Rosemary , but at the other hand he said if you get in trouble let them call me . My mother freaked out that i glued that bully's hand to the ground and put spiders on it but yeah he never bullied Rosemary agian and that's what I wanted

I hear a baby crying , I look to Vivian holding a baby . My mother had tears in her eyes , William wipes his tears away . Jerry gives a scissor to William , William looks at me and gives the scissors to me . I cut the umbilical cord . It is a girl , she has beautiful blue eyes like William and hair as my mother and I *she's so beautiful*says my mother crying *she Is*says William . My mother looks at me *what's her name gonna be fallen*says my mother . I look at her *angle*i say *what an beautiful name*says William *heyy little angle*says my mother *you're a beautiful thing arent you*says my mother

My mother has fallen asleep, it is almost light . William walks to me *do you wanna hold her*asks William *yes*i say. I hold angle *shes so cute*i say *she is*says William . I look at angle , she starts smiling when she sees me . Rosemary walks in *aww*says Rosemary, she walks to us *what's her name*says Rosemary *angle*says William proud  *suits her well*says Rosemary *she looks like an angle*says Rosemary *she does*I say

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