( chapters 11 ) part 3

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(A lot of violence in this chapter)

A woman walks in the room , she has a plate with food in het hand .she gives it to me , I look at the place and back at her *you think I would poison you*says the woman . The woman sighs , she takes the place and eats a little and gives it back to me. I take the plate and start eating *you were hungry or not*says the woman . I nod *you know if you want to get out of here you need to tell whatever*says the woman *they're gonna kill everyone I care for , so no*I say *maybe they're not*says the woman *they killed my bestfriend father, they killed kids , you think they won't kill the ones I care for?*i say . The woman looks down *I'm sorry for what they did*says the woman *I just got here so I don't know that*says the woman

(Day later)

pov Rosemary
2 men's that I don't recognize come inside the room . One puts some knifes down *I think your boss isn't gonna like that*i say *if we get answers he won't get mad*says the men . One of the men takes a knife, I look around and see that the pole is a bit lose

The men cuts me in my arms agian *ANSWERS*says the men . I don't say anything , the other men sighs and takes the knife and put it to my troat *answer*he says . I don't say anything . I move the pole a little bit, I feel that the pole it almost lose . The other men sighs *this bullshit*says the men *shut up*says the men with the knife to my troat *she isn't gonna say anything*says the other men .

They start arguing , the pole breaks off . I hit the men with the knife to my troat . I take the knife and run to the other men and stab him in the neck . The other men stands up , I take the knife and trow it in his head .

I run out of the door , I go right . I see a group of men *shit shit*i say . I run the other way 7
Men *im fucked*I say . I see a window , I run to it and jump out of it . The window breaks , I'm happy that it wasn't that big of a jump *get her*says a men . I run to the fence , I hear an alarms go of . I look up the fence and see spikes *fuck*I say . I look for a hole in the fence but can't find one

The door gets open , the leader I think and 4 men walk out . The leader laughs *you thought you could escape*says the boss *fuck you*I say *i am impressed what you've done*says the boss *but mad that you killed my men*says the boss agian *you killed you men*I say *he didn't listen to me*says the boss *well they didn't to , I thought let me help you*I say . The boss laughs *I like this girl*says the boss . I feel that I still have the knife in my pocket *I might keep her alive for the team*says the boss *she killed our men*says a other young men *rowan shut up*says the boss . I run to the boss to attack him but 2 men take my by the arms *drop it*says the boss . I drop the knife *you know what , I realized I don't really like you*says the boss . The men bring me back inside

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