07 - staying the night

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Lilith Brooks had just settled onto her couch, ready to unwind with a book after a long day at work when her phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call

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Lilith Brooks had just settled onto her couch, ready to unwind with a book after a long day at work when her phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call. Seeing Spencer Reid's name flashing on the screen, she couldn't help the thrill that surged through her veins.

"Hey, Spence," she answered, her voice filled with anticipation. "How was the case? Are you okay?"

Spencer's voice, tinged with a hint of exhaustion, came through the line. "The case was intense, but we managed to catch the guy. I'm alright, just a bit drained, this case was a lot."

Concern washed over Lilith, and she replied, "I'm glad to hear you're okay physically. Is there anything I can do to make things better mentally?"

Once again Lilith Brooks showed Spencer Reid exactly why he liked the girl. She seemed to know exactly what to say to make him feel better, even though the pair had only met a short time ago.

A moment of silence passed before Spencer spoke again.

"Do you want to come over?" He asked in a quiet voice, "Maybe watch a movie or something?"

A smile crept onto Lilith's face as soon as he asks. "When should I be there for? You'll text me your address?"

"Whenever you're ready," he replied earnestly. "I'm already home."

Lilith grabbed her keys, unable to contain her excitement. "I'll be there in twenty. Get ready for some good 'ol comfort movies Spence."

"I can't wait Lil, see you soon". Both hung up with smiles stuck to their faces.

Twenty minutes later, Lilith stood outside Spencer's door, a small bundle of nerves and excitement bubbling inside her. She knocked, and moments later, the door swung open, revealing a slightly disheveled but undeniably endearing Spencer Reid.

"Hi!" he greeted her warmly.

"Hi!" Lilith greeted back, "You gonna let me in? Give me the tour?"

"Right, right. Sorry. Come in!" He said, his cheeks deepening in colour.

As Lilith stepped into his apartment, she felt an instant sense of comfort and familiarity. The room was adorned with bookshelves filled to the brim, and a cozy setup with plush cushions and blankets awaited them in front of the television.

Lilith couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement as Spencer walked over the the TV screen, popping a DVD into the player as he told Lilith to make herself at home.

"So, what movie did you choose for us, Spencer?"

He grinned mischievously. "I thought we could go for something nostalgic and heartwarming tonight. How about we watch Up, I've never seen it and you mentioned it being a favourite of yours on the plane?"

Lilith's eyes lit up with delight. "Oh, I love Up, I can't believe you remembered! It's such a beautiful movie. I can't wait to watch it with you."

"Eidetic memory helps in cases like this" Spencer laughed before settling into the couch beside the girl.

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