06 - Chapter Six

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"If only you knew, I'd kill for you, I am for you
I am just who you needed me to be." 

Romeo & Juliet, Peter McPoland


"Holy shit." Min-joo muttered to herself before feeling the weight of another body pull on her leg and hold on tightly. She looked down, both realizing how high up she was and also seeing the flailing body of a zombie holding onto her foot. Her smile dropped and she began kicking her leg around, trying to get it to let go but it wouldn't loosen it's grip. 

"Min-joo!" A male voice from her right called out to her. She turned her head, her eyes widening at the sight. 

"Su-hyeok!" She called back, never having been so happy to see him until now. 

"Look down. Down, down, down." He told her as if she hadn't already been aware of the zombie latched onto her ankle. 

"I know!" Min-joo grunted as she tried kicking her foot again.

"She's got your foot! Look!" Su-hyeok tells her once more. 

"I see that!" She reminded him, tightening her grip onto the rope. 

"Kick her off or something." Su-hyeok continued. Min-joo fought back the urge to yell at him.

Her voice was laced with annoyance and strain. "I'm trying my best here, Su-hyeok." She used her other foot to kick at the zombies face but it wouldn't let up.

"What the hell is taking you so long?" Su-hyeok grumbled as he watched. Min-joo didn't reply as she was preoccupied with not falling off the side of the building. She reached up, trying to latch onto one of the loops of the rope to get a better hold but it only caused her to drop a few inches farther down. She winced as the sliding caused her palms to burn. Su-hyeok went quiet for a moment before he spoke up again. "Hey. I'm coming down."

"What?" Min-joo asked, looking up at the boy who was gripping onto the side of the building by a pipe. "Don't." She began but he didn't listen. "Su-hyeok! I said don't do it." 

"I'm coming." He told her again, making her let out a tired sigh.

"Don't!" She argued with him as she watched him try to scale the building. "Just stay there!" Su-hyeok's foot began to slide off the building, almost making him fall. "Su-hyeok!" 

"Oh, shit." Su-hyeok mumbled to himself but was loud enough for Min-joo to hear. He retracted his attempt and stood back against the wall. "Hold on." 

Min-joo looked back to the boy only to see a worse picture up above him. "Su-hyeok! Above you!" She warned him and he looked up, seeing the upper body of a zombie that was leaning out the window and staring directly down at him. The blood from its mouth dripped down onto Su-hyeok's cheek. It began to growl and snarl as it leaned out the window further, reaching its arms out to try and grab for him.

Soon after, the zombie threw itself out the window, heading straight down for Su-hyeok. Reacting quickly the boy jumped from his spot on the ledge and grabbed onto the rope, causing it to swing to the left violently while the zombie fell down to the concrete below. His legs hovered behind Min-joo's back and she winced. "Ah, careful, careful." She warned him as he slowly began descending down behind her, gripping onto the rope tightly. 

"Just stay still. I'm helping." He ordered with a hushed voice. Min-joo tensed when Su-hyeok let go of the rope and wrapped his arms around her torso, holding onto her when there was no more rope left for him to grab confidently. 

Min-joo turned her head to look at the boy who had his body pressed against her back and his head down, staring at the zombie still attached onto her foot. "Jesus, Su-hyeok!" She groaned.

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