II: It Started Here

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The fact that we arrived arm-in-arm like a herd of petrified gazelles didn't help me a bit with the nervousness that was creeping in. I knew it sounded crazy, being anxious, considering I'd been into thousands of events already. But I shit you not, the Duncan brothers had recreated Project X.

It seemed like every cool kid in the region dropped by to party; some sober, some drunk, some trying to be drunk, some stoned, some tripping balls, and some already conked out. It was only nine p.m. The main room was where the hooking up happened. Here and there were people grinding, yelling over the music and occasionally eating each other's faces off (I would've simply put "kissing" but I was still stumped with my morning text). The door to the right led off to a small sitting room and the open entrance to the pool area, where masses of teenagers danced, sang with the current tune, and whatever the fuck drunk people do. I could hardly see the DJ up on the decks because of the massive crowd that swarmed around him. On the left door from the main room led to a bigger room and it was like Mardi Gras inside though I didn't see any topless idiots, just the beaded necklaces and games like beer pong, body shots, suck and blow. From below, I heard faint hollers and music and I was sure the party was all around the house, even in the basement.

Odric said with bulging eyes, "It's not too late to turn back. Let's just go get pizza."

"Are you kidding me? We came this close!" Ching argued, stalking off to the pool area.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" He shouted after her, maneuvering through the thick mass, trying to reach Ching. "What if you get handed with a drugged drink, huh?! YOU NEED A NANNY!" Without looking back, Ching raised her middle finger at him.

Ron stared at where the two rounded off, shaking his head. "I will pray for their mental health tonight," and he left too, going for the kegs.

I looked at Allison and shrugged, "Want to get a burger?"

Before she could answer, a guy came bounding by and greeted Allie, "Hey! Allison, right?"

She nodded, her cheeks splotching pink.

He held out his hand and she took it, "I'm Migo. You might not know me, but I know you. You stay up in the lab too long." He laughed, smiling at her.

"How'd you know that?" She challenged.

"It's near the locker room? After practice we pass by the lab a lot. Don't see you much in parties, and I'm surprised to meet you here. Wanna come join my friends and I back there?" He nudged his head towards the game room.

Allison looked at me and I gave two thumbs up. And so, I was left alone.

I figured I'd get more chances of bumping into someone I knew if I walked around. It took me about twenty minutes to scale the whole first floor, still sadly alone except for my cup of beer. I passed by some of my teammates from the basketball team but they seemed to be holding on their own just fine.  Blindly walking and already quite tipsy, I barged my way into a tightly closed door, not getting the clue it shouldn't be wandered into. The kitchen was dimly lit and unlike all the other rooms, it was deserted. Except for one other person at the fridge. I couldn't see who it was at first because the door was opened up and the person must've been crouching down low. Maybe it was Seth, being the owner of the house, it was only logical he would be allowed in the half locked kitchen.

I walked towards him and greeted, "Hey man, your place is nu - WHOA!"

I jumped back the moment a bundle of celery hit my face and a pink haired girl popped out behind the refrigerator door and yelled, "Just what the hell are you doing here?! No one is allowed in the kitchen!" She had this scandalized expression that reminds me of someone being seen naked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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