March 2015

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March 02, 2015

The air was dry and the leaves were still, yet she felt cold. She walked slowly back to her apartment with her head hung low. She tried to smile weakly to the acquaintances she met along the way, but her eyes revealed the truth. She walked past his house without even glancing at it. She doesn't want him to be involved; she doesn't want him to see her in that state. She suddenly stopped walking. Someone stood in front of her. As soon as she looked through his deep brown eyes, tears rolled down her cheeks.

March 03, 2015

He sipped his favorite hot tea while she toyed with the pearls of her milk tea. She twirled the pen with her hands. She was distracted by everything around her. The people chattering around them distracted her. The girl gulping the coffee loudly on the next table distracted her. The faint perfume he was wearing distracted her. The way he was looking at her as he explained the concepts distracted her. She was not really distracted, she was anxious. They were supposed to be studying for their exams; she was supposed to be listening to him, but instead, she was staring at him dumbfounded. He tried to teach her everything he knows. She tried to take in everything that he said, but every time he smiled, her mind went blank. She knew where this is going. She was falling, falling hard.

March 06, 2015

She was looking at her own reflection from the screen of her phone. She was staring at it for hours now. She was waiting, waiting for a call, for a message, for anything. She hated him, but she hated herself more. She hated herself for being tactless, for saying things without thinking. She wanted to say sorry. She wanted to talk to him badly. She missed him. She wanted him to realize that she was angry; she wanted him to make the first move. She held her ground firmly. She wouldn't talk to him no matter what. She closed her eyes and thought about what happened. If only she didn't see him with a group of girls. If only jealousy didn't poison her.

March 10, 2015

She was supposed to be studying for her exam, but instead she was blankly staring at the ceiling. She tried so hard to concentrate, but she was thinking about a lot of things, mainly about him. She was selfish; she realized she was being selfish. She always thought of herself and only thought about her problems. She always saw him as a cheerful and jolly person. She didn't think he would have problems of his own. He was actually releasing stress with his friends when she saw him. He was not flirting. She judged him already without knowing his story. She felt so sorry for saying those words. She wanted to see him and say sorry personally, but she was too ashamed to do so. She didn't have the guts to do it. She said she was sorry twice through her phone, but she was not sure if they are already okay. His replies were cold; the emoticons he always used were long gone. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to make him happy and see him smile again, but it would be hard. She really regretted what she said. He even quoted the exact words she said to him. She felt so guilty that she wanted to turn back the clock. She really didn't know what to do.

March 12, 2015

She just woke up, but she already felt tired, felt like her whole day was spent already. She overslept and didn't attend her two classes. She felt so lazy, felt so numb. She was unstable. She thought about doing something and suddenly forgot about it. She can't concentrate, can't focus on anything. Her mind drifted away, away from her and towards him. They haven't seen each other for about a week. He said he was not angry but she didn't believe him. Something has changed within him, but she could not tell what it was. She knew he has a problem, but he didn't want to talk about it. She kept asking him if he was okay but he was always avoiding the question. She wanted to see him happy, to see him smile again. She wanted to bring back those days when they just laugh at each other. She missed him, the old him. If only she could do something, if only she could make him forget about her.

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