June 2015

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June 11, 2015

It was the last day of school. She saw him at the lockers as she was getting all of her books. She saw him smile at her and he started to approach her. She averted her gaze and focused on getting all of her stuff.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," she said without looking at him.

"Let's go home together," he said.

"S-sure," she stuttered.

"Good. I'll wait for you outside," he said and then he walked away.

She stared at him as he walked. She wondered why he suddenly asked her to go with him. It was not the first time, but they don't do it usually. She went outside the school and she saw him sitting at a bench. He stood as soon as he saw her.

"Let's go?" he asked.

"Can I buy some food first?" she asked.

"Sure," he answered.

They stopped at a food stall and both of them bought a sandwich. He didn't buy any drink, but she bought a coffee. She ate while walking while he kept the food in his backpack. They approached the train station. He bought their tickets and they rode the first train that arrived. She already finished her sandwich as she sat beside him. She was about to ask him why he just kept his sandwich, but she stopped. His eyes were closed, he was sleeping. She remembered that he always sleep during long trips. She thought maybe he was just tired. She sipped her coffee as the train began moving. She was still drinking when he suddenly leaned on her shoulder. She was so surprised that she almost loss grip of her coffee. She went red; it was the first time he leaned on her shoulder. She gulped her coffee for fear of spilling it. She threw it in the nearest trash bin and placed her hands on her lap. She didn't know what to do. She became more conscious as she saw an old couple looking at them while smiling. She averted their gaze and looked down instead. She wondered if they think they are a couple. The thought of it made her smile. When they are together, butterflies were usually in her stomach, but this time, they were pterodactyls. If only she could stop time. She suddenly felt sleepy; it was the first effect of coffee on her. She closed her eyes and drifted away.

She heard the name of the station before their stop through the speakers. She opened her eyes and saw a lot of people looking at her while smiling. She realized that she fell asleep while leaning on his head. She jolted as she sat straight and it woke him.

"Where are we?" he asked with puffy eyes.

"We're near," she answered without looking at him.

They got out of the train as soon as their stop was announced. They slowly walked together in silence. Her house is nearer to the station while he lives a few streets away from her. She wished for the road to not end. She wished they got lost. She wished they could walk longer together. She frowned as she saw her house. It was the end of her dream. There won't be a next time. They approached her house. They stopped at the gate and he smiled at her.

"Bye. See you when I see you," he said while smiling.

"Bye," she said.

He stopped for a moment and then turned his back and walked away. Before he could go any further, she grabbed his arm.

"Wait," she blurted out.

He turned and stared at her.

"What?" he asked.

"Uh... Take care," she said while looking down.

"Okay," he said and then he laughed.

He turned his back one more time and waved his hand. She just stared at him as he walked away.

"I love you," she whispered.

June 12, 2015

When she was in high school, she rarely gets stressed, but when she entered college, everything became stressful. She was the youngest in her family and it made her needy and dependent. She had a hard time living in the dormitory, miles away from her parents. Taking care of herself while keeping an eye on her studies was really hard. She became moody and irritable almost every day. One thing she did to manage stress is to go grocery shopping. It was weird but it really boosts her mood. The feeling of carefully choosing and weighing what food and which brand to buy made her happy. She considered grocery shopping as one of her "me" times. The grocery store is her happy place, where no one bothers her and no one cares what she does and what she buys. After her spree, she always ends up buying too much food and other stuff she really wouldn't use. It usually made her broke, but at least she was back to her old self, her blissful self.

June 25, 2015

He was an anglerfish. He was her light amidst the darkness; he gave her hope. He was her tour guide in the sea; he showed him the masked beauty of the depths. He was a gentleman, one of the most decent guys she ever met. They were always together, getting closer every passing day. She was in bliss until everything turned white and hurt her eyes. She realized that the light he was emitting blinded her. It hid every whim he had. She was so dazed by the light she did not know his real intentions. He was actually luring her into his grasp. He guided her towards him. He tricked her. Before she even knew it, he ate her, like any predator would do to its prey. She was just a prey and he was an anglerfish after all.

June 26, 2015

It was like a stained white dress. They became close ever since they had their first class together; they were like sisters. They were seatmates back then, drawing doodles on their notes every time the professor was not looking. It was a blissful memory, but now everything has changed. She did not know what happened to them, maybe they had a different set of friends or maybe they just grew apart. Everything became awkward. Their friendship was like a stained white dress, even if you wash it repeatedly, traces of the stain will still remain. The beautiful white dress would never be perfect again. She didn't want to dispose the stained white dress just like that so she kept it inside her closet; she kept it inside her heart, because she believed, maybe someday she could wear it again.

June 27, 2015

He is a box of crayons. He has a rainbow personality. The yellow crayon is the smallest crayon he has. He uses it almost every time with his friends. His optimistic, humorous, and vibrant side is radiated by the yellow crayon. He frequently draws with the orange crayon whenever he plays his favorite sport. His energetic side is shown by the orange crayon. At times, he uses the blue crayon when no one is around. He is actually pretty lonely and sad but she is the only one who knows it. When they are together, sometimes he doodles with the pink crayon and sometimes he scribbles with the red crayon. The two colors perfectly express his sweetness and crankiness. At one corner of the box is the white crayon, the sharpest and only unused crayon he has. The white crayon, although unnoticed, is always there for him, waiting for the time when he can finally hold it in his gentle hand and use it to highlight his drawings. He is a box of crayons and she will forever be the white crayon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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