𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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◤𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮◢

* Warning: Sexual Content! *


One Year Later...

Fuck! I've never been this nervous before!

I walked back and forth outside the operating room.


It's been a year since Rui and I lived together with our son Ruiz. At first he's very reluctant and cautious around me, but later on he started to get easy around me which is I'm very thankful. We slept in different rooms though.

It's been hard taking care of Ruiz, he would cry in the middle of the night, he would cry anytime of the day when Rui's out of his sight, but despite all that he's always been the cutest baby of all.

It's been hard for me for the first few months, every time I saw Rui as he cuddles with our son while sitting on a rocking chair near the window, my heart would always flip. I know that I'm falling for him and what makes it even harder is when he accidentally confessed to me.

He's cooking breakfast when I heard him talking to the phone, I bet it's his brother since they've already been catching with each other. Not aware that I'm leaning on the door frame, he keeps talking.

"How 'am I s-supposed to t-tell him?" he asked worriedly. "What if he gets m-mad and t-throw us o-out?!"

I frowned, what is he talking about? Why would I throw him out? Is he seeing someone else? But that is not possible, he's never left home without me. So what could it possibly be?

I listened intently though eavesdropping is not a very good idea, but somethings urging me to do it anyway.

"I know... I know..." he turned off the stove but remain standing in front of it. "...b-but I-I love h-him..." he said silently but enough for me to hear.

My eyes widened. Did I hear him right? He loves me? Fuck! My heart started to pound like hell.

I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him. He gasped, his phone almost falls off his hand so I grabbed it and turn it off.

"W-Wha- D-Did y-you-..." his breath hitched. "I'm s-sorry... I-I.." he's voice shaking.

I smirked as I kissed the back of his neck. He shuddered. "Ssshhh..." I put his phone down as I turn him around to face me. He's face is so flustered. "There's nothing to apologize..." I said awkwardly, this is the first time we've been this close to each other, after what I did but this is way too different. It feels good and warm.

I leaned closer until our lips touched. His eyes widened as I away from him. "Y-You k-kiss-"

I kissed him again, but I deepened it this time. We' re both panting hard when we pull away. I smiled at him, "I didn't know you feel that way towards me..."

He looked away blushing even harder. I pulled his face towards me. "A-Aren't y-you mad o-or d-d-disgus-ted?" he asked doubtfully.

I smirked as I kissed the tip of his nose, "why would I? I was surprised but you know what? I can't believe it! I'm so happy you love me too..." I hugged him tight.

"Y-Y-You... l-love me t-too?" he asked in dumbfounded as he buried his face on my neck when I felt my shirt wet.

"Yes, I love you..." I felt him wrapped his hand around my waist sobbing. "I don't know how or when it started but I just felt it, and when I realized it I couldn't stop anymore," I confessed kissing the side of his head.

Book 1: OUR Little Miracle (BL)Where stories live. Discover now