our endlessly dying love

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We can talk all day.
We talk about everything,
The sky isn't the limit for us,
no, we go beyond.

We could go days without talking.
Or sit on the phone in complete silence.

We sat sit in peace,
Not a word to be said.
We sat in craziness,
Everything said.

You are my safe haven,
I tell you all my secrets and stories,
and you tell me your tell yours.
We shared many memories as we
have been happy,
and sad,
But in the end..
We loved.
Loved each other.
It was our endlessly dying love.

We loved each other.


As my skin burned,
You allowed the fire to eat me.

As my skin burned,
You continued to penetrate my soul.

As my skin burned,
You grabbed me again.

As my skin burned,
I hope for you to stop.

As my skin burned,
I warned you and you came back with a laugh.

As my skin burned,
I heard my own heart cry.

As my skin burned,
I lied in bed wishing for change.

As my skin burned,
You didn't stop to listen.

As my skin burned,
My heart turns to ice,
Allowing not a soul to allow it to melt,
not a soul allowed to let it heal.

My skin was burning,
you didn't happen to mind,
you were the one to start the fire anyway

As my skin burned,
I wished you'd take it away.

How silly of me to think,
That the devil his self would burn his own lovely fire out.

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