Lazy day 1...maybe...

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I don't own Transformers or Naruto

Temari : *Bangs on Door* FROST! GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM!

Frost : *Whistles louder*

Jack : Trust me, this will take a while.

Temari : *Narrows eyes* Well see about that.... *Walks off*

Frost : *Walks out Smiling*

Jack : O.o

Shikamaru : You done?

Frost : *Nods and turns around* Yup!

Shikamaru : ^.- what's wrong with you're face?

Frost : Its the Sadie's Dance today! I have an outfit to go with it?

Shikamaru : >.>

Jack : <.<

Shikamaru & Jack : You do that.

Frost : *Smiles and skips off*

Shikamaru : *Walks in the bathroom and locks the door as Jack walks off*

Temari : That's IT! *Grabs Her fan* I warned you, Buddy!

Shikamaru : ^.- ....?....

Temari : *Bursts down door* FROST! YOU'VE....oh....oh my.... MY EYES! MY POOR VIRGIN EYES! *Runs off holding her eyes*

Shikamaru : *Shrugs and pulls on a clean shirt* Troublesome woman.

IronHidescannonlover : Im sorry for those Sasuke lovers out there....but I'm not a huge fan of his....he always pisses me off cause of his ego but they do end up making a love/hate relatioship..... FORGIVE ME IF I OFFEND YOU! I DON'T MEAN IT! BELIEVE IT! .....that rhymed.... Lol?


I woke up and stretched only groan as my head pounded. As I ruffled my hair, I felt the clips still in...wait..clips? Last night flooded into my head as I saw the red dress I was wearing still. I could feel the corset was taken off so I was able to breathe better.

I stood and pulled all the clips out. I saw a change of clothes consisting of my dad's pants and an oversized grey shirt. Socks as well.

I quickly changed and tossed the dress onto a desk. I walked out while covering my eyes, knowing the way to the kitchen. I stumbled around in the hall and heard wheels stop.

"Frost?" I waved my hand. "Shh! Sssshhhhh...." I whispered. "I...have a headache." I whispered before turning to the left and ramming into something skinny. Yelping, I hit the floor and bit back a cry of pain as my head slammed around and my vision swam.

"Are you alright?" I blinked past tears. "I need...Execdrin." I said, trying not to cry. "Where is it?" Sunny whispered. "In the cabinet over the sink. It's a green bottle that has E.X.C.E.D.R.I.N on it. And a glass of water." I said, I covered my eyes with my arm.

I heard him transform quietly and feet running into the kitchen. I rolled my head on the ground. Great. Just great. A stupid migraine. I just hope I don't need to find Ratchet for this...

"It said two to three so I got you three." I sighed in relief and he helped me sit up. I saw the things I needed and I looked at him. "Sunny, you're a life saver." I whispered before downing the meds and laying back down.

"Should I get Ratchet?" He whispered and I shook my head slightly. "Ok...uh. What should I do?" I pulled myself up and squinted my eyes to see the wall. "Who's all here?" He scratched his head.

"The humans are at school. Primes in his quarters. Sides is on patrol with the rest of them and Ratchet's on the computers." I nodded and started making my way towards Optimus' quarters. "Thanks, SunStreaker. If Ratchet asks, I'm asleep." He nodded and transformed as I reached Optimus' door.

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