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"𝘼𝙡𝙥𝙝𝙖 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙩?"

━━━━━ ✧༺✶༻✧ ━━━━━

The rangers were currently in a fight against the Eye guy when they got blinded by a bright light. The red ranger instinctively put her hands up to block the light but it was no use, the next thing she felt was her falling and hitting the floor.

Due to the impact the rangers de-morphed leaving five teenagers. Jaylen Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, Kimberly Hart and Trini Kwan. The five immediately got up and took a defensive stance but it loosened when they saw some familiar people.

Bulk, Skull and Ernie were all led on the floor; the rangers just stared at the three when Alpha 5 suddenly appeared next to them shaking his head.

"Ay-yi-yi, why are they still on the floor?" Alpha 5 spoke, making the five rangers jump due to not noticing the red and gold robot until now.

"Alpha, when did you get here?" Zack asked as he moved towards the robot.

"Just now" Alpha 5's robotic voice rang out making the three who were on the floor jump up, well Skul jumped up whilst Bulk made Skull help him and the rangers helped Ernie.

"What are you?" Skull screamed as he stared at Alpha 5 who looked at the teenager weirdly.

"Ay-yi-yi" Alpha sighed out, making Bulk and Skull jump back from the robot talking.

Jaylen and her friends were all huddled together. All of them were panicking due to the fact that they were pulled out of a fight before they could defeat Eye guy and get Willy back.

"What are we going to do about Eye Guy?" Jaylen whispered to her team as they all formed a small circle.

"I don't know, but he could be doing anything to Angel Grove whilst we're stuck in here" Trini replied as she looked around the room that has no way out.

Kimberly opened her mouth to say something when three bright lights went off leaving a teenager in green along with Rita Repulsa and her goons Goldar, Baboo, Squatt and Finster.

The rangers immediately got into a fighting stance when they saw the person who was trying to take over earth. Meanwhile Bulk and Skull screamed at the sight of Rita and her goons whilst Ernie tried to hide under a table.

A letter floated down to Alpha 5 who caught it before clearing his throat, making all the attention go to him.

"Alpha what is it?" Jaylen asked as she walked over to the robot.

"Ay-yi-yi, It's not good," Alpha sighed.

Jaylen took the piece of paper off of Alpha 5 and as soon as she did a red light encased it. The girl in red then walked over to her friends and handed the piece of paper to them. As soon as they touched the paper it lit up. Red, Yellow, Blue, Pink and Black light filled the room as a voice came out of the speakers.

"You are going to watch the lives of the power rangers" the voice rang out which the rangers and Alpha 5 identified as Zordon.

Jaylen looked at her friends with a confused expression on her face considering the fact that Zordon had literally told them not to tell anyone about their identities as rangers and now he wanted to expose their identities.

Rita looked at the teenagers with a grimace, not looking forward to watching the brats who keep stopping her from taking over the world.

"Why do I have to be here?" Tommy asked as he walked forwards making everyone's attention go to him. Making all of them wonder who he is.

"You play a very important role in the future" Zordon's voice rang out of the speakers again, only making Tommy more confused on what he meant.

Bulk and Skull were hidden behind Ernie whilst holding onto each other, both of them freaked out by the voice that kept coming out of the speaker. Ernie just sighed at the duo.

"Do we have to watch this?" Jaylen asked, making Tommy look over to her. He paused when he looked at her, but immediately looked away when she turned to look in his direction due to feeling his stare..

"Yes" Zordon simply answered, making the girl in red sigh.

Alpha 5 only shrugged when the five of them looked at him with desperation, the robot didn't know what Zordon was doing.

"But if we have to watch this, where are we -" Zack started but he got cut off when three rows of seats appeared "-going to sit?" Zack finished as he stared at the seats dumbfounded as Jaylen patted his shoulder and went to sit down.

Everyone else followed suit but Rita and her goons were all sitting at the right back corner of the room where their seats appeared.

The screen that appeared with the seats turned on leaving Jaylen and her friends to look at it nervously.

𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚 -

I hate writing prologues so much.

I get so stuck on what to write.

But Tommy has seen Jaylen for the first time, so get ready for some secretive glances.


Tommy, Ernie, Bulk, Skull
Alpha 5, Jaylen, Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Zack

Rita, Finster, Baboo, Squatt, Goldar

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