Counterattack; Riccardo's masterclass!

44 0 0

*Shawn runs with the ball*
Aitor: I got you!
Aitor: [HUNTER'S NET V2]

*Shawn runs with the ball*Aitor: I got you!Aitor: [HUNTER'S NET V2]

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*Shawn gets stopped*

Aitor: Riccardo!
*Aitor passes to Riccardo*

Riccardo: (There must be some way of beating them, but what could it be? Jack, Nathan and David are all holding the backline, and it's gonna be like that for a while. Unless... Wait, that's it!) Everyone, follow my lead!

Riccardo: [VIRTUOSO]

Riccardo: [VIRTUOSO]

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Riccardo: Bay!

*Passes to Bay*

Bay: (So this is Riccardo's ultimate tactic, Virtuoso.)

Bay: (I see it!) Cronus!

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Bay: (I see it!) Cronus!

*Passes to Cronus*

*Passes to Cronus*

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