✰ ─ Chapter 1- new beginnings!

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A/N: Just so y'all know there is going to be a mention of fire and burning in this chapter(Omg in the first chapter!? Yes because I love traumatizing my oc's and I like getting to the point(sorry).

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Nobodys pov:

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The sun showered its beautiful rays down apon Loveclock island, calm cool breezed blew here and there making the scene even more beautiful as the people looked from their windows. One of those many people was an 8 year old girl named Ariki. Ariki was looking out the window to bypass time. She had grown bored after a while so she headed to dinning room to see if her mother was there. Fortunately, she was, she was reading the daily paper "Did you know that there's absolutely NOTHINGG to do right now, 'ma?" she whined to her mom. "I know I know, but when you father comes back you can go out in the town with him" her mother said in a calm tone flipping the page to read what's next.

"But he takes forever! By the time he gets here it's going to be late!" Ariki said crossing her arms. "Alright, alright I'll take you out into the yard but you MUST be on your best behavior or we'll go back inside." Her mom said. Ariki aggressively nodded and ran up back to her room to put on her shoes. When she came back she was surprised, her father was home. It looked like he just got back because he still had his jacket on. "Dad! Your back!" she said happily he looked at her with a smile on his face "Yes, and it seems like you and you'r mom was about to go out. Mind if I tag along?" he said with a closed eye smile. She could see how happy he was even though some of his golden blonde hair was covering his face (A/N: No it's not Cora, sorry)

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Ariki POV:

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"Sure! Why not!" Mom said opening the door and walking out slightly waiting for us to catch up. I ran to her side while my dad was right behind me. "I say instead of staying in the yard,we can go into the town. Like a small family stroll" mom said swinging my arm slightly. Dad nodded and in agreement and also swings my arm too we walked down the path towards the city. We lived on a small hill next to the town so it will take only 3-4 minutes to reach it but if you run it only takes 2. Once we got to the town I was so excited to see the new things that were in the shops. The air smelled of freshly baked pastries, the atmosphere was so calm, happy, and relaxing.

[Time skip because I'm writing this at 4:56 am on a Wednesday because I forgot to yesterday ]

After we got home I immediately went to my room "Goodnight hun! Make sure to close your window it's going to rain soon!" I hear mom yell from the dinning room. I never knew how she always knew what the weather was going to be like but I did what she said anyways, better safe than sorry I guess. I get to my room and shut and lock the door than go over to my window, taking one last look than closing and locking it. I finally change from my clothes than put on my pajamas, it was just a normal black shirt and some dark blue shorts nothing fancy. I lay down on my bed, tuck myself in and try my very best to fall asleep without my thoughts keeping me up. After a while I managed to fall into a nice slumber.


TOO hot....

I open my eyes and look out my window, it was light outside. But not the sun light, like the light was from a fire. I get from under the covers and put my feet into the floor "OW- HOT HOT HOT!" I scream in pain. "Why is it so hot?" I say to myself "It was cool when I went to sleep" I stand up on my bed and jump to my chair. 'This won't end well' I think to myself as I try to jump on my small table by my door almost falling. I pick up my slippers and unlock my door 'WHY IS EVERYTHING HOT!?' I scream in my head as I open my door and jump down from the table. I don't feel much heat anymore thanks to my slippers but it's still hot. I walk down the stairs and my jaw drops down in horror.

The whole house... THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE! "MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I scream looking for them all over the house. I can't hear or see them anywhere, I begin to cry but I still try to look for them. If I can't find them than I'm getting out! I'm not going to risk my life searching in a burning house! That's a suicide mission! I run back to the front door, it's really hard to move around I burnt myself a few times while I was searching for my parents and my lungs were burning. I grab the door knob witch hurt like hell because of how hot it was. I never had flung open a door as hard as I did and ran out of the house onto the front yard. I look back and fought back tears that were starting to form even more in my eyes. My house was burning beyond repair, and my parents nowhere to be found. I hear shouting from the town and turn around to see almost everybody in the middle of the town. I thought this would be a great idea and get some of them to help out to find my parents.

As I got closer the yelling got worse but with good hearing I heard th things they were saying "FILTHY PIRATES!!" "SKUM!" "LIARS!" "KILL THEM ALREADY" I was confused, why where they saying such vile words? As I walk farther I to the crowd my heart drops. My parents were in guillotine's but why? What did they do to deserve this? They were good citizens, they committed no crime! "Please, this has to be a mistake! We have a child we have to take care of. Let us go!" My dad yelled as he struggles with the restrains that was holding him down. "LIAR!" someone yelled "He's- he's not lying!" I yell getting hit by someone's elbow. As I yelled for them to stop people looked at me like I was crazy "They are my parents! Why would you do this!?" I shouted as loud as I can. The people's cases turned into saddened frowns as if they just found out something sad. "Little girl, are you okay? Did something happened to you?" I hear a man say as he bent down to my height. 'Excuse me?' I mentally say 'They are acting like they aren't about to kill my parents!' "Why are you hurting them?" I say "why are your harming my parents!?" I scream in the males face. He looks at me in shock as if I just threw him a surprise party. He grows angry and picks me up by my shirt "THEY HAD A LITTLE BEAST TOO!" he yells as he holds me up like a prize. I couldn't breathe properly, the man was choking me from my shirts collar.

"No! Don't hurt her! She's just a child!" my mom yelled, I could see her getting angry from the way she was violently gripping the wood almost braking it. I wiggle trying to fight my way out of his grasp but failed. Out of nowhere I felt like I was floating when I looked down I realized that I was not in the man's grasp anymore. In fact, I was held up in the air comfortably by a clawed hand I look up and see a tall woman with long pink and violet hair, I couldn't see her eyes since they were covered by her long fluffy hair. She had slightly sharpened teeth and her ears were pointy. "Your okay now, your mom called me to protect you" She said as she looked over towards my mom and give her a small nod. The lady started to fly away with me in her arms. "We can leave them.." I say to he in a low tone since my throat hurt from all the screaming "She gave me strict orders to take you away from here. Soon you will know why" was the last thing I heard before I started to fall asleep in her hold.

ミミ◦❧◦°˚°◦.¸¸◦°'❤*•.¸♥ 𖢅𖢄𖣘♥¸.•*❤'°◦¸¸.◦°˚°◦☙◦彡彡
Words: 1465

J.B: Hopefully this is good so far

Chapter completed: 5 -13-23

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