Chapter 3- The lake.

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I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating my story's, I've been stressed out lately my family has been going through things and I haven't got a proper chance to rest up and update much. Once again I severely apologize to the people who have been waiting(if there is any people waiting).

Ariki's pov:

Instead of going to the dinner hall I went out to the lake, that's in the middle of the forest that surrounds the sides of the castle.  I sat down at the docks and relaxed my muscles that where tense. After ten minutes I started to hear a faint singing, I ignored it and decided to start meditating to keep my mind off it. It started getting louder, like it was getting closer, I opened my eyes and saw something moving In the water. I widened my eyes and jumped up and stepping back a few feet.

I didnt say anything because that would be dumb. I looked at it as it got closer, getting ready to attack, a hand reached from the water and gripped the edge of the dock tightly. The hand had small blue almost green scales on the sides and some on the fingers, the fingers where webbed together it was blue webbing. The finger nails were slightly long and sharp and painted blue.

A head came out. It was a girl about my age this time, she started at me with peircing blue eyes, snake pupils. Her skin was a dark chestnut, her hair was a dark brown fading into blue ombre,it was down to her shoulders slightly passing onto her back. She had the small gills on each side of her neck and she has scales on her shoulders. Her mouth opened "H-hu-human.." she said. I stepped closer by an inch.

Her torso finally showed. She had on a slightly ripped up purple croptop on tied around her neck by almost broken cloth, she had more scales on the sides of her lower torso, along side some scars that healed not to long ago as it was slightly fresh.

Lastly, her tail, it was blue ombre and had beautiful fins on the side slightly ripped, she sat down slightly on the dock, getting the wood wet, I crouched down and reached my hand out slightly "um... What's your name? I'm Ariki." I say holding my hand twords her. She looked at me in shock like nobody ever asked that,"i-im, um... Kaiyō D. Ame..." she said reaching up and holding my hand, she has the will of D too? Wow.

"Can you um.. Change your tail into legs?? Or no?" I question, she nodded and her tail began to glow this bright blue hue, when it died down she had legs, she was wearing a slightly ripped up pair of shorts that was slightly decorated with some blue,white and gold pearls and had on blue small wedges, the straps rapped around her calf up to her knee, which was also slightly decorated with the same colored pearls. I helpped her get up and she wobbled a bit while trying to walk, she probably haven't walked on two feet in a long time.

I walked her to the Castle and to not have to deal with the two females in the dining hall I teleported us to my room to allow her to rest on my bed. I tried to make her sleep but she kept clinging on to me, scared that something would happen if I left her, so I stood there while she stared at me. After a while she started to fall asleep, when she finally fell asleep I got up and went to the door. Before I could even put my hand on the knob the door opened by a sharp vine. I already knew who it was, Hana

She looked at me then the girl on my bed, "whos that?" she asked,


Sorry it's a short chapter I'm just not into it today

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